Monday, August 31, 2009

Pretty much upset about the table. It didnt turn out the way i wanted it to be. Sigh....

You can also see that the table is unstable and it is covered with sellotape everywhere. How took me 4 hours to finish the table!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I felt that I am really far behind on my work so I did my graphics. Finishing the top part of my mock up model. The bottom part...I will leave it for tomorrow. I played ffx again. It is kind of a heart ache after going through such a long journey all you get is a sad ending. And in between the whole game, there are more sad part. Although I hate the ending I love the storyline and the awesome graphics. I also played with the photoshop and did an animation of flower blooming. (Got the idea from Alice) But it wasn't good.
Last night was a bit awkward. Movie wasnt really that great. After watching movie, we went to starbuck and chat. The worst part was on the way home. Evelyn was really bad at driving. She stop at the middle of the road because she wanted to be safe even though there is no car at the round-a-bout. When I asked her to slow down, she stop the car. Something wrong with my mind last night, can't even remember my house address. Anyway, thank God that I recongnise the road or else we will be stuck somewhere in cashmere.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

No more home for us. The house that we are going to live is was cancelled. My dad said too much leakage and price was a bit on a high side so he sort of didnt want to buy that house. Boy the owner of the house might have been so mad as he pulled out the last minute. I am going out tonight and watch a movie with some of my friends. I bet I will be lost in the mall. I dont even know where is the theatre....nevermind about that, I will just wonder around until I find it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I wanted to sleep in today until my brother woke me up. Well today I practice on my serving skills. Hit the shuttle up the roof twice. Well, I played PS2 too. I played Final fantasy X. It is a great game. I love that game. The graphics is really good too. I think that is all, I want to watch T.V now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

So glad that my exams are over! Biology and Chemistry was alright. But physics was a nightmare. The first two pages was terrible. I dont think teacher ever taught us about the equation F=mg. Got that right I guess but the other question was like WTH??? I was staring at the paper, my head was blank I thought it was my mistake that I didnt study but realised that this is part of the physics havent been taught. Some of my friends complained too. Hm! So if we failed....Nah just hope that I wont fail that physics paper and any other papers.
I spent all of my time in the library reading some book called 'Following the wrong God home'. It is about some singaporean lifestyle. A lady name Yin Ling, who is beautiful, enigmatic and engaged to a wealthy political ambitious man. But falls in love with Ben and American professor. And.... I haven't finish the book. I seems to know more about singapore.
Well, I won my game today, and my team won the finals. Zahara and Ellen's group wasn't there so the opposition team sort of play by themselves and went home. I am going to have some fun time today since my exams finish. I also can't wait to get some intensive training on badminton. I will beat the professional some day. Just wait...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spring is coming!

I sort of love spring and summer. It is the time where I can see all the flowers.
I came home early today. Only today I can come home early. Tomorrow will spend all of my time reading if I can use the internet in the school library I might use it as well. There is just one problem, where should i put my badminton bag? When exams start where will my big badminton bag go?
Today test was alright I think. I sit behind so I can see everyone working so hard on their exam test. After I have finish all my papers except for excellents question. I dont really get what do they want. Anyway, after I have finish I could see some of my friends doing the exam. They seems to do so better than me because they kept writing without hestitation. I realised I was the only with my head up so I planned to try on the excellent question and merit. Checking through my answer again. So I spent like half an hour on one silly excellent question. I think I wrote too much. Shouldnt waste my pen ink if I was so sure that I will get it wrong. Most of the question I left blank was on my graph paper section. They ask whether the ball can reach the goal, I just drew a line estimating the distance and I didnt calculate anything. I was thinking that the highest point is the vertex and my answer was yes. It will reach the goal. Because....dont need to type about that cause all the readers will think I my answer is dumb. To me it is dumb.
I didnt bring my ruler today so I went to the office to borrow a ruler. And the lady dont even know how to spell my name. She spelt it as Lee... the 1st time. Second time she wrote levia. What the heck? How hard can my name be? It is just Olivia without the O and it will be Livia. She got quite impatient so she just shoved the pen to me and ask me to write it down.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So glad that English exam was over. English was real hard. I was thinking for like 5 minutes there doing nothing. I was stuck at the novel part and gave up and move to the formal writing. Write whole bunch of nonsense in it. Then moved on to the novel part. Wrote almost the exact same thing like what I have written down for my practice essay. I chose number 2 which is the important event. Actually for all of the papers I chose the same question. I wrote that the important event was after John Barton's death because Josie came to realise that she already had the freedom that she wanted so badly...I guess. The others was two short stories and a film 'The Castle'. After that I sort of proof read two of my essay through. Realise some mistake, change the words and some sentences again. Left 5 to 10 minutes started daydreaming again. After the invigilator started asking everyone to put down their pens I came back to my real world again.
Computer test was a bit hard. I got stuck at a paper. Reread it several times still dont really get what the instruction wants me to do. So I sort of waste my time thinking and thinking. But it was my second last paper. Anyway, I wrote down all sort of things about eating healthy which I dont do that. And I got to write an article about healthy foods. I was like WTH! I dont eat healthy food. I prefer junk food. So I just copy from the previous essay about healthy food and just follow what they said. They said that eating vegetables and fruits will make make you look younger. Is it true??
Anyway I saw Natalia adn Fleur today. They kept staring at me for nothing. I was a bit uncomfortable so went over there and complain about them. They laughed at me and I dont even know what are they laughing about. I also found out that we avonside badminton team is going to versus our own team for finals. Yeah! For the first time we versus our own team mates. My former team. Lol! May the best team wins. Natalia is so certain that we will win. Well, what can I say...we might win but the that team is pretty good. I know cause they are my former team.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Went to the badminton championship match today. I lost 2 match and won one. Sigh....I m still not good enough, but I m more worried about my english test and computer test tomorrow. I almost won the second match but lost... I stole Natalia's cellphone and she chased me around the whole court. I bet all the others will be thinking they are really crazy. Almost played mix with some boy name Sam. But another girl came along and he ask me whether I still want to play mix and I said no. Natalia got mad with me and I dont know why. She told me that he really wanted to play with me that is why he said 'are you sure' three times. What nonsense.... anyway poor Soon Yie was stuck with Thomas for mix while i happily enjoyed how both of them work together. Quite glad that I dont have to play mix, I could go home early that is one good point.
Well I had fun today. I would have been much nicer if there isnt any exam's tomorrow.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here I am again. Sitting on a chair facing the computer and typing and typing and typing again. I am holding a tissues with blood all over. My nose is bleeding, lack of water I guess. I have studied my English poetry and short stories. I don't know what else to study about. I have no idea what will be coming out.
I went to Evelyn's house last night and heaps of people turn out. The house was crowded like mad. I realise something. Sitting down on the floor while people is standing up isn't good. Why? Because...
1. I can smell people's smelly feet and socks.
2. A guy almost shove his arse into my face. As if his arse isn't smelly enough.
3. I feel short.
I have to sit down because of some reason. All chairs had been occupied by people. So I sit on the floor because I have stomachache (you know you tend to fart more if you have stomach ache) and my legs felt lazy. Hm...farting is embarrassing isn't it? How come my friends in NZ doesn't feel embarrass when they fart out loud (Alice) ;P. They acted about Joseph how he got famous and all that stuff. Potiphar's wife was acted by some guy and Potiphar was acted by a woman. It was hilarious. Later, they played the game guess what song is it. Girls against boys. They shouted and argue like drunkard people. My eardrums was going to burst at that time. I think the neighbours might be thinking '@#&@!!! Asian! People are trying to sleep here.' Haha!
I can taste blood in my mouth and it taste bitter....I guess. Can't really tell. Dessert was great, I ate chocolate chips ice cream I guess and a donut with chocolate topping on it. Oh yeah and mini cupcakes with something on top.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Can it last long? I feel that friendship is like a flower. It is budding when you just meet. It slowly blossom when we get closer each time. As we get older, each of us goes our own way. The flower slowly withered away as no one cares. So can friendship last that long? I am certain that there is one flower that would never die but will always gets more beautiful. Friendship with God. But I hope the friendship that I have with my friends now will last forever. Even though it doesn't I will still cherish it in my heart forever.

My day...

I feel so tired. My mock up is like a pile of rubbish that has just been collected from the bin. I hate my mock up model. I need to fry nuggets for pot bless after this. To tell you the truth, I dont feel today is much fun. During maths class I played hangman (died three times) and tic tac toe with Isha. Got bored later on, so started dreaming again.
I would say lunch is alright. Wanted to go over to Abby's group today but, on a second thought their friends really creep me out. It feels like I just need a lot of guts to go over to the other group. I got no guts at all. Realise my friends gossip quite a lot too. Wouldnt say I really like gossipers, gossip tend to put me off. I tend to bother whether some of my friends gossip about me. Well, if someone gossip about me I think I will get upset. But I do think they gossip about me though. No one is perfect and I dont reckon I am. I do reckon some of my friends in Malaysia gossip about me too right?
Tamine and Stacey divorce twice today. It was really funny when they throw their invisible ring away and started quarrelling over some stuff. Stacey kept whinning because Chelsy took her hair tie. week is exam week. The worst is Wednesday, I will be all alone till 3.15 p.m. because of badminton. I might as well bring some books to read. I wish I got PSP. So I can play in the school ground. Time pass faster when I play video games. :D

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I have finish my concepts today. Mock up model is real hard. I dont know what am I doing. Thinking about what subject I should take, I know 5 subjects I am going to take but I need another subject. Should I take business management 223? But it only have 15 credits for level 2 and dont know what cetificate stuff they will give us. I am certain that I will take Bio 222, Chemistry 222, Physics 222, Maths 222 and English 222 (not sure whether I should take 222 or 212). I got a Avonside jacket just for the tournament on Sunday. I might lose at the first round. If I win the tournament it will really be a blessing from God. Lol! Keep dreaming.
Teacher didnt teach during maths. So I revised with Nicole our maths subject. She is such a nerd. She studied last night and every night I guess. I called her smartypants. Guess what name she came out for me....Peanuts. Lol! I would acknowledge that I am quite dumb. English was boring, she said that my proofreading should improve again... I hate proofreading. My english isnt that good.
My second brother always want to show me his shuffles. So boring...I feel like playing some good video games. Thats all....I need to find for some cellotape and big scissors to do my mock up. I guess I will study later on (pffttt like that would happen. Well it would if i care.) :D
I m still stuck at concept two. Should get moving and stop watching TV. Exams are coming!!! Played volleyball today and lost the first match. We were so close...but was far behind on the second set. I tried solving maths question with nicole but always end up getting some stupid equation. I will just try to get merit, Excellence question are too hard. Isha got crazy at Health, she kept talking about Bumba. Who is Bumba anyway??
My team won badminton again. Woohoo! Wonder what did ellen get.. I won 21-6, played 2nd. Natalia can pronounce my chinese name real well, unlike some people.... Now I m trying to get my brother to send me to badminton court. He said no because he will get drunk on Saturday night. What the...You drunk? You can still wake up at 8 o'clock though. Alice likes writing lots of weird post on my chat box. As you can see, my chat box is filled with Alice name and my name (she used my name to talk to herself).
Assembly today was about career and bla bla bla. Was dreaming when the teacher was yakking about some stuff. Didnt do much help to me maybe because I was dreaming behind. I know, I dream too much.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My chat box is filled with some of my crazy friends comments from Avonside girls high. As you can read from the chat box Ellen thinks she can beat me in badminton. Not to boast about it, Ellen can't beat me. I played badminton for like 4 years every sunday without fail. How can she who played badminton this year beat me??? Nevermind about that, she can beat me if she take intensive training for a year. Alice (who is really addicted to my blog. She can remember every single thing that I wrote) told me to write this for her.
' Alice is my best friend, I dont know what I will do without her.' I dont flatter people that way, Alice. Since she wants me to write a note for her I will. I will describe her. Alice is a young a wonderful lady. Although she is a teenager, she has a long, awesome leg like a flamingo. The way she strides, everyone will definitely notice her. Her blue eyes will make every boy faint when she looks at them. I think I should stop now. This is my blog and it should be about what I did today.
I remembered we played a game in PE. Something to do with communication. I told stacey to draw a house. 'Big triangle, a square below it and in the box add two small squares on each side and a rectangle inside the square, center and draw it at the bottom'. She draw something like a Christmas tree with presents below it. It rained today, how come NZ doesnt really have thunderstorm like Malaysia? I remember how the power always goes off while I just sat in the darkness doing nothing. I was always afraid of ghost, thinking that it will pop out of nowhere and kill me. There are real ghost though, even in my previous school some girls got possessed. I saw it.
To Alice and Ellen, your poetry isnt good. Go study more and write me an awesome poem. Nah j.j. And your wee poem isnt little. It is long, real long...And stop using my name to make up some stupid comments.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Studied science today again. After that I watch TV and use the internet for like 2 hours. Watch TV again use the internet again and it kept repeating. Well, since I got so much time, I started writing some stupid essay about a serial killer. About a boy who is 16 years old was trained from young to be a serial killer and how he is supposed to go to a school and disguise as a student just to kill a girl. Stupid story, gave up in the end. Anyway I remember my past. How I used to hang out with my malaysian friends. We usually went to MP or Dp after school. Yeah...good times, good times.
My weekends are usually boring, so might not blog about weekends anymore. Unless it is a really, good weekend. Some of my family's member friends are coming over for dinner. Sigh...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I guess it was really a bad thing to tell Alice. She embarrassed me at graphics class. She told so many people about my blog, it was really embarrassing. Even Miss Kemp knows...sigh and she told Ellen about my blog which Ellen then tells Zahara..when will it stop? Alice and her big mouth....
Alice even tells me what to write in my blog now, she can't even get my name right. She kept calling Olivia. Speaking of Olivia, we had a party again. This time Olivia is around, we light a candle and I was afraid the alarm will go off. Wonder what will happen if that really occur. I should have brought my camera to snap that yummy chocolate cake. We really had a great time. Maths was boring, Zahara always got Jess into trouble, she got send out of the class about 2 times. She is real naughty, throwing papers all around the classroom. In PE class, we played volleyball and Greyhound girls (which is my team) won today but I got a swollen wrist.
I hate cutting the pork. My brother told me I have to help out with the kitchen work and I end up cutting the pork into smaller pieces. While he beat the eggs and ran off. It took me ages to finish cutting that stupid pork. Monday is teachers only day so it is going to be a long weekend. :D

Friday, August 14, 2009

I feel so tired today. I felt like sleeping in every class except for graphics and maths. I had my photograph session today, badminton group. Natalia was in the middle holding both rackets. I sat in front too. It was really embarrassing. I didnt want to go at first but some of my friends said the if i dont do it I will get detention. They lied to me... Graphics class was fun, Alice is really a good actress. She could be one. I am certain that she will view this blog today, so not going to write much about her and Terri. She is just like a rat, trying to sniff out what my blogs name is. Talented young lady she is and with her beauty and funny character, bet her husband will be a lucky guy. Bet she is going to get flattered by all this, haha. Terri said pasting is hard work too, I dont think so. But probably she is right, with her soft nature, she might be a little slow in her work. Beauty is always on her side, bet every boy will die to get her.
Anyway, Isha really crack me up. She kept doing all kind of silly faces, her Mr Bean's facial expression really make me laugh. She is really funny. I didnt pay attention to Mrs Smith, maths is a boring subject. I guess that all I have to say, nothing much today.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

English was boring as usual, Stacey is just so stubborn. I asked her what was the joke about and she change the subject asking what colour is my team's volleyball jersey. I told her it was gray and she said 'Pink?'. I mean it totally far away from my answer, how can it be pink? Told her the answer again and she asked whether it was green. It goes on and on, until the teacher started teaching. Everyone won the badminton match. Poor Steffie didn't get to play because there were only 3 players in the other teams. Anyway, I took some picture of the taxi for no reason.

I got some picture of Fleur and Natalia too. Well not Natalia, she was hiding.

Natalia's handphone and the taxi. A bit cram inside.
I also got some pictures of the court. Not my gym though, it is the badminton hall. I snap two courts only because at the other end it was pitch black so can't really take picture of it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The party we had today was great. This is the first time I had it in school. It feels really weird, I mean everyone around will be like 'oohhh they are having a party' like the annoying juniors. I got some snap shot of stacey homemade cake.

A chocolate cake with a shape of a bunny.
It was really yummy. The icing was great and she is really creative eventhough she can't really draw. Some people by the hallway even said 'Yum!' and it was hilarious. Then I got picture of the food. The foods are in the plastic bag.

The yellow chips bag is what I brought :D
After that Chelsy wanted me to take picture of the lollies.
I got some pictures of my mates too. :D

Tamine (obviously trying to open the container with a knife)

Shareen and Tamine is still trying to open the container

Yeah show your muscles Tamine! By the way they are both fijians.

At last the container can be open. Stacey is obviously happy about it.

Cutting cake session. Nobody wants to cut the cake and those who wants to cut the cake dont know how. In the end, Tamine did the cutting. She took the photos too.

The stubborn people

Stacey and Bronee. Stacey at the far left and Bronee walking backwards, got picture of her butt.


Haha got Bronee's picture. She was obviously daydreaming when I took her picture.

My food. Ate a chicken only.

Olivia wasnt here today so we just carry on without her because got sick of carrying the food around the whole day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 6, exam is coming in 2 more weeks time. Even though it is not worth credits, it is still important. This will help in my final exam in case of something really major just happen... Well, you get my point.
Today was Olivia's birthday party and she didnt come. Everyone brought their stuff for nothing. Stacey baked a cake for her, told her that she should have open a shop, anyway she said she drew a rabbit on it. She tried explaining how she drew it during PE, but I dont get her at all. She said ' I cut it and paste it and the carrot and....." I thought it was a carrot cake, but it is chocolate. Stacey said 'paste it' and doesnt sounds right for drawing a rabbit on the cake. Oh yeah we race each other to science class and the changing room. Sadly, I lost to her. I got stuck at the door way because of my badminton bag. Stacey just ran pass me and close the door, so my bag got stuck and it wasnt fair. Racing to the changing room was when Stacey just ran past me leaving me clueless behind, so I lost again. Doesn't really seems fair to me...
Ellen joined us for badminton today, she is a beginner I guess. I was teasing her the whole time. Soon Yie got smash by me like 20 times. It was really fun smashing her, just jokes. I am not that bad. Going to play against Riccarton, might be real easy since we almost defeat the A team. Got to study now, my exams are coming. All I need is just an hour, pity the malaysian who got to study real hard! :P

Monday, August 10, 2009

Today I went to church, the word is seriously incredible.

What is the shortest chapter in the bible?
Psalm 117

What is the longest chapter in the bible?
Psalm 119

What is the center chapter in the bible?
Psalm 118

The whole chapter added together will give you 1188 chapters.
The central verse is Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.
Isn't that awesome?

Had my lunch in Dragon restaurant. We went to three different restaurant before. The first restaurant we went didnt have anymore seats for us. Second restaurant was closed and the third restaurant only have bihun. Was so hungry when we reach there. Ate with 3 families, heap of people. Uncle Raymond have heap of story to tell. He kept talking and talking. Then the uncles talk about eating deer's meat. They say it is superb. We are suppose to save deers rather than eat them. Anyway, better stop with all this food stuff.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Although Saturday is the day I could sleep in, it isn't that great. It is pretty much boring. I did some of my studies on science. Still havent finish my english homework. Too lazy to complete it. I practice on my badminton serving, still bad at it, my dad taught me to serve the right way but failed. Then I need to do some chores. Chores are always the worst, vacuuming the carpet, so boring.

In the afternoon, I went with my family to my visit our future house. It is better than the current house we are living in. Can't wait to move into that house.

My room (ignore the two people there)

My room is actually the smallest. My brothers took all the big one and all I get is a tiny study room. Can't really upload the other pictures. Something is wrong with the uploader. Anyway the house is really good. We had dinner at night, heap of people was here. Wasnt really fun to be with the old people whom I don't really know. All of them are a. Angie's friends.

I went with Natalia, Fleur and Alice to see Mrs Paton today. She wasnt in again. Pretty gutted, so we spoke to a teacher about the tournament. She couldnt find anything about it but she asked us to leave a note. Graphics was the same. The same substitute teacher came in, today was pretty much unlucky, she spoke to us for hours! She even talked to Terri about her personality, it was hilarious as how Terri was so gutted at her after that. Abby ask us to play a game, we played a game about drawing so stupid human body. I was suppose to draw the face, my drawing was the only pretty one. Not that I am praising myself, but they did it on purpose, Abby drew the bottoms and she drew one disgusting bottoms with lots of hair on it's leg. She even make the man wear an underwear. Alice drew one big fat body and Terri, she wanted to draw a shoe but it turns out to be a socks with lot of glitters on it. It turn out to be a distorted man. Anyway, Terri showed me her guy she is currently dating. I think she deserved a better guy than a guy with grandma's hair.
My so called 'nice friends' hid my bag when I went to search for Mrs Paton again. She kept sighing and complaining when I threw her all kinds of question about the badminton tournament. It was really hilarious, she is alright though. Oh yeah...they hid my bag, so when I came back my bag was missing. Tamine was such a bad liar and so are the rest. She said she went to the toilet and didnt do it, Stacey said she went to the toilet too and so they started blaming Shareen. So I shook Tamine softly, not that hard though, but she rock herself. It was so stupid. So Stacey told me where my bag was. Tamine started blaming Stacey that she hid my bag while she was in the toilet and Shareen said she was in the toilet with Tamine.
Tamine : Yes Shareen help me with the toilet.
Stacey started giggling. It was such a stupid make-up story.
Me : What do you mean by that? You mean she have to help you take off your pants?
Tamine started laughing like mad which gave me quite a shock and yeah....Olivia's party is on Monday. I got nothing to bring, I guess I will just bring some chips then.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Like the usual days...

Computers, I pass up my assignment today and realised that I didnt do any pros and cons for my design part. Hope I don't fail it. It is worth 4 credits! During form time, my class was crammed together with 2 year 13. We were gathered in a computer room, just for the australian writing competition or something like that.
Natalia forgot about the meeting with a teacher (forgot what her name was). So I text her, saying 'Have you gave up on the tournament? If you have do not text me back (knowing that she couldn't text me). We will lose anyway. HAHA!' and for about 5 minutes time she showed up. Wonder where did she come from, hmm...She told me that her mum will kill her if she cancel the tournament, such a liar, and she said we still got lunch break. Dang! Forgot about that. Lunch break, she went and see the teacher, another teacher asked her to see her tomorrow. It will be forever tomorrow. Yesterday she told us tomorrow and know what I mean.
Somehow, the innocent Shareen plot out an evil plan. While I went to the toilet, Stacey, Olivia and Shareen took my bag and ran behind the bushes. They were dreaming I guess, they said they didnt see me walk out the main door. I didnt panic, thinking that it was surely that stacey or olivia's naughty plan, I text Stacey and walked around the main door of Stevenson. Terri asked me where did my friends go and guess what I saw, three evil heads popping out behind the bushes laughing. You guys better watch out. It will be my turn next.
We went to the music room and Olivia was playing some awesome musics. While my are lame as ever. But the professional piano player, Amy, played some songs. I recognised one, the river flow. It was awesome! She played some french song I think. After lunch, I hurried to graphics class. Which is the other end of the school. Wish I could just snap my fingers and appear in the graphics room. Alice snatch my graphics book away just to look at my first concept and Abby asked me to sit beside her. I ran away after that, sitting beside Terri. The substitute teacher, oh my gosh...she talked forever. Alice and her big mouth said that I need help. I told her that it is Alice who needs some help not me, so she walked away. Phew...But she got caught up talking about her face complexion her teeth and bla bla bla...until the bell ring. It felt like yesterday...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I m a dreamer

I tend to dream a lot. Just realised. I was daydreaming at maths class, as usual. Maths I would not blame is seriously boring. I think it is because Mrs Smith is boring. Well, English was fun. Mrs Ambrose was teaching us about a film called 'The Castle', boring film.
Mrs Ambrose : Example of verbal is "me bloody house" as what Darryl said. I am not going to say bloody anymore because I am a good teacher. more bloody.
Zahara : Pardon?
Zahara seems to enjoy the way Mrs Ambrose uses the vulgar word. She also said 'F star star star ing....' and Zahara said 'What did you say?'. It was pretty stupid. Lunch time was the most memorable part. We were playing some sort of game. The birthday girl, Olivia, ask us some kind of question. Then it came to coffee and she ask what came across our mind when it is coffee. I said awake and the others gave their answer. She told us that coffee means what do you think about sex. Tamine said teacher which is pretty hilarious. Stacey said grandma and some said high, gross and more. It was so stupid. Oh back to the title, I was daydreaming while we were in science doing some experiment. I came back to reality when my friend nudge me. I was also dreaming when I was playing badminton and I miss the shuttle.
Anyway, Natalia and Fleur was fooling around the court. Fleur was dancing around the whole court and Soon Yie was laughing her head off. Natalia was making weird noises like a pregnant lady giving birth. Sigh..should have brought my camera to tape it. I will bring it next week.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I got to study, exam time is coming. I am stuck on my graphics design. Got acheive for the last one, she said need more notes on the design and research, don't blame her, I only got two sentences. Graphics, I talk to terri and met one Thailand girl who is going to be here for three days. Her name is....something to do with Ben. Dont know, cant really hear what is she talking about. Terri was like pestering me to talk to her. Later, at the last 20 minutes, the substitute teacher came to talk to us about our design on the desk. She talk and talk and talk...till it was time for recess. She is the one actually giving all the design ideas and not asking us about our design ideas. I wanted to sleep on the spot. Lol! Wonder what will that be like.
Maths was boring was dreaming the whole time. Mrs Smith was revising everything over again. I was doodling on my book. Almost slept there. We had some kind of survey quiz, I just put all kind of nonsense in my answer. Lunch time was real childish. We played HANGMAN! Tamine is the noisiest person to guess. Shouting all the way across a small round table, I cant even concentrate who to listen to as all of them was shouting random words out to me. Stacey was hilarious as she kept telling us what to write down. She kept telling us the same word, her name...and when is it her turn, everyone shouted out Stacey! She was so silly.
After school I was chatting with Natalia about the coming out badminton tournament. I agreed to go with her even though I am so very certain that I will lose at the first match. Oh yeah, last night I went ice skating with the source group. It was quite fun and I slip and fell on my butt. Evelyn, I cant even remember her name well, have to think for a minute before I realise what her name was. She laugh at me when she see me struggling as I try to skate. Hurt my feet after that. Anyway, i got to finish on my computer stuff. One more paper to print out.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The clock is ticking.

Today is Monday. Time pass by pretty fast ae? Anyway, graphics was all about chit chats. I chatted with Terri for about the whole period. She told me to show me my malaysian friends. She also wanted to know about malaysia and the school. She told me how she met Abby 'The cool person'. Pfftt...
During PE, we learn how to play volleyball. It was hilarious how people just randomly whack the ball. As for stacey, she uses her super human strength and it hit the light bulb. Badminton practice, I practice with natalia, fleur and steffi. Another girl join us. Dont know what her name is. Natalia and I was like insulting each others badminton skills. So we sort of like smash each other all the time. One teacher came up and ask us about the badminton tournament. Natalia wanted me to join her so that I would be her partner in doubles. Dont know whether I should go...
Lunch time I was teasing Tamine with Stacey. Tamine got pissed off when I took Stacey bag because Stacey is her so called 'wife'. Anyway, Stacey teased me when I told her I am going ice skating. I am going ice skating...sigh....I am going to pay $12.50 for wetting my butt. How good is that going to be?
Last night, went to source dinner. Evelyn said I was mean writing the blog about her. I am not mean....well sometimes...Debbie was like grabbing everything she can and stuffing it into her mouth. It was really hilarious, she was the only one roaming around the dinner table every now and then. Well at least she wasnt that bad like my brother. He ate a candle or something like that, he told me it tastes like nothing. Most of the asian are the one occupying the food. The kiwis were like talking and relaxing.
Today was pretty relaxing, went to church and came back. Will be going to visit our future house later. Picture might be uploaded later on. Oh yeah...I got to finish my computer assignment. It is due on thursday. Badminton is going to finish soon, and exams are coming. They are on week 6 and it is week 3 now. The time has gone so fast. I havent even revised anything yet.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

School was fine, didnt really study, I was playing with Alice itouch, viewing through all her pictures. After school I went with my family to watch some movies. That's why I didnt blog. Came back home about 10 something. The cinema was huge compared to malacca's cinema. The seat was like an international airplane seat size. Space to walk is like big, so you dont have to stand up everytime people wants to get pass. Sound effect was so cool, but the movie was gay...Anyway I have been playing with the photoshop, and came out with something stupid. My cousins and I was like standing on an iceburg.

Isnt it hilarious? Spring is coming and all the defodill are blooming. The looks of flowers blooming are beautiful.

I forgot to turn the second picture around, so strain your neck a little by tilting it to the side.