Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I love lunch time. Disturbing, that sweet, lovely G without her knowing was really hilarious. Anyway, there was a lot of little bits of green thing that fell from the tree. We sat in a circle as usual, I slip beside Megan, who was just beside G. With that little bits fallen from the tree, I could carry out my plan, the trick which my brother always did to me when I was little. I took the little green bits and threw it up in a high parabola, I wouldn't say I got her at first, it was pretty hard trying to get the right angle. But I got it soon, I chuck it high up so that she would think it was the tree. I was successful, but she didn't complain. Ellie saw what I did and started cracking up. I chuck a few more. At last, she started getting angry with the tree. She was actually piss off about the fact that it drops on her only. Then Jess saw it and started cracking along with Dayna who notices it. While she kept yelling at the tree we kept laughing, she got mad that we didn't get it so she chuck it all at us. So, we started a war at chucking the green stuff at everyone, the main target was definitely G although she blame the 'tree' who started it first. I got away with it, I haven't told her yet, but I will tell her soon. Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Amy's company

Before I talk about the topic, I would like to talk about business management. I think Alice was pretty disappointed at what I did. I handed her a book instead of a nicely typed out piece of paper. I wanted to slap myself hard that moment. I am such an utter disappointment, she wanted a paper that is done nicely not a book. Why am I blogging, I am suppose to get that work done or else I would disappoint my whole team member and that is the last thing I want to do, disappoint one of my friend.
Well, I will blog about my day first and finish up that business management stuff, I have to finish it by today. The topic, I had a great time with Amy, who spent the whole three hours with me. Really grateful to her and we planned to drag Stacey to stay with us next week. Stupid computer won't work, or else I would print out the 'road to zanarkand' and 'melodies of life' song for her to play on the piano. Well, since I can't print it out for her, I played road to zanarkand for her, while my fingers dance clumsily on the keys, teaching her how to play the song. She followed me for the first part, then she started making up all kind of depressing tune. Her fingers dance beautifully on the keys, while I criticize her song kept asking her to play a happy tune but it is all sad and depressing. She kept saying 'cry bitch! Cry!' while I stared at her like a retarded person and criticize her more. Amy kept cracking me up, my jaw freaking hurt later then on. What a sad girl she is, I am bad luck for her, I made her miss her bus.
I also planned to read 3 books a week that is my goal. I don't think I can do it but I will try.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Please bless me, Lord - my prayer that was unanswered. Completely forgotten about the exam, I just walked into english like a happy person. Soon, the teacher announce that she is going to hand out our exam results. There was a sudden rush of fear in me, until she laid that tiny piece of paper with a tick in the column 'Not Achieved'. My fear changed into disappointment and anger, I worked so hard and yet I still go a stupid not achieved. Even my dad helped me! I actually thought I got Achieved, why do they put the tick so near the Achieved column.
I guess, I put my words wrongly, I asked him to bless me. I think he was actually already blessing just that not in what I thought I would get. disappointing. Actually it was extremely disappointing, I hope I passed english level 2 because I really don't want to do it next year.
I am now praying that the Lord would just blind them from my mistake and give me an achieved. But that might not work. I think the marks are already listed down. Sigh.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Questions that I asked are answered at last. The question that I asked when I was in Malaysia. Why learn about the past when present are needed to know more? Going to school to learn isn't half as bad as I thought. The answer was that we need to know the past to know about the future. It is like we needed to know which parent we came from in order to know ourselves. I don't think I explain it well enough but at least i understand it.
Nicole said something about Christianity and I was curious at what she think about it. She told me that lots of people wrote the bible and it is true. And she said that she is not against christian or anything, just that she doesn't believe it. Then she asked me whether I was a christian, I told her yes and she was like 'oh' and laugh. She believe that there is an after life when we die, which she meant that when we die we might be animals. I was actually amazed at how much she knew about christianity. Anyway, the cool thing was that she had an accident. A boy knock her off her bike and she got some bruise at her leg. She said that it went in a slow motion. It was the boys fault anyway, because the boy suppose to give way to her. She flew on top of the car and when the car skidded to a stop she felt off. I was laughing so hard, but I couldn't help it, to imagine the part how she flew on top and drop off was just too hilarious. But hers wasn't as bad as how I flew off from my bike when I rode full speed downwards a rocky hill.
Well, that is all I guess.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wake up so late because my brother switch off my phone which it is my only alarm clock. He said that I asked him to off which was at 11.30 pm. I remember sleeping at 10.30 pm and don't even remember. Off it again, and I won't go to school. They are all actually against me, don't know why, boys are actually quite stupid.
I don't think today what I heard in school isn't really appropriate to type in here. But I remember how Alice goes 'Aww' when G tell her about her date with her boyfriend. It was funny looking at Alice face when she actually long for a boyfriend. She told me not to type in here but oh well, she bullied me just now. That is all...back to my research.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Seriously boring..

Staying in school for 3 hours without any friends is seriously boring. I hate the part where every time I check my phone, only five minutes pass. Stupid time! Pass so slow when I am bored and pass so fast when I am having fun. Sigh...I guess time is just the same. Just that I don't notice how fast it went when I am having fun.
Isha said that the group I sat with is a 'pretty group'. I was shocked at first and denied. But I realized, yeah they are actually real pretty. Way prettier than me, I am the black sheep in that group, don't look at me!
I had a pretty good game, won every match and Isha really improve. Gosh she smash real hard, I mean I can take it but she smash the crap out of the boy and girl we play against. I as usual, the lazy girl who just ignore every shuttle that comes flying to me, let Isha take it all. Then, we swap partners, great... I played lazily again, the girl was huffing and puffing while I remain lazy. My badminton strategy, but don't follow me, I remain lazy only when we are winning. Don't follow what I do, it is not good for you.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I hate shopping. I love shopping with my friends not shopping alone or shopping for groceries. I mean I love groceries. Let me get this straight, I like shopping, but I hate some people in the shopping mall. The group of bitchy girls, they look at you from head to toe, watching what you wear and either it will follow with a group of giggles or the common words 'OMG!'. Once you heard that, I know it is something really bad. But when my friends said it, it felt pleasant, weird...but pleasant when they laugh at you and say those words. Even when you hear their voices, they sort of raise your spirit, it is like they give you a great boost to keep you going.
The thing that brings you down is the teachers voices. I mean don't get me wrong, when they start teaching the boring stuff, your eyes just feel heavy. When they start, they never stop. Gosh, I can't believe that today is Thursday. I love my holidays, I wish that it would go on. I love school, when my friends are there; Hate school when homeworks are given. Uh...I don't really know what I am on about but oh well, that is all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cup Cakes Parlour

I wonder what cup cakes parlour they sell cup cakes? I think they do. Anyway, Amy invited me to the cup cake parlour on Thursday. Mmm...cup cakes...
I am so lazy, I just can't bother doing my homework, but I know I do need to do it. I think I will do it tomorrow and continue with my drawing, my comic drawing again. Well, that is it I guess, most of the time I spent my time lazing around like watching tv and playing ps2. And Abby wishes me happy birthday too although it is a week late but oh well, at least she wishes.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Well, I went fishing, not exactly fishing, I watch people fish. It was so boring, sitting there waiting for the hook to come out with a fish but always coming out with just a hook and the bait is gone. Well, the sight was beautiful, we went somewhere else, not sure what the place was called. On the way back, I was happily enjoying the view and suddenly a 3 cm bee came out in front of me. I could see the fur sticking out of the back. I was actually freaking out while I watch it climb around the seat. I didn't scream of course and my dad kept hitting it with my aunt's jersey while I freak out watching it raise is stinger.
Well, eventually we stopped for lunch and had fish and chips. My uncle cleared the bee away by grabbing a clothes and just grabbed the bee and chuck it directly at my direction. Again, I freak out but didn't scream. I watched the bee wriggle around on the floor while I struggle to not step on it while climbing abort into the car. Stupid bee, I realized that I am not actually afraid of small insects but big insects definitely scared me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thank You for your wishes

I got so many wishes yesterday. I mean mostly from facebook and Alice text me saying happy birthday and I didn't read it till like 10 o'clock at night. I was busy reading the book that got me addicted. I finish it today and realized Becky's sister (Jess), she ain't so bad after all.
Alice called me today telling me about easter camp. She said that those who had their birthday on that day have to go up on stage while everyone sings to them. And it is true, she knows that I hate them. Thank God I didn't go or else I would be freaking out. But I would go next year and planned to take a not so stressful subject as this year. Physics is really a stressful subject, I hate the point where you have to calculate lots of stuff which I don't find it useful to life. And some stuff where my teachers teaches is totally confusing. How can two object reach the ground at the same time no matter how you throw the object. Well, I saw it and it was really true but still I doesn't make sense. Ah well...lets just drop those physics subject.
Thank you, thank you to everyone who wishes me. Really appreciate it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to myself!

My time has arrived for me to turn 17th. Gosh! I feel so old now... Anyway, it is still sweet as long as I am in my teen life. Today, I think it is fun, all that we bought arrived and we managed to squeeze it into the small house we rented. Then, more things arrived, the bed, lamps and table. Since there is no more space to put it in the house, we squeezed it into the garage. While I was playing PS2, Terri messaged me saying Happy Birthday to me. I was so happy and thankful that she wish me. The only friend who wish me Happy Birthday. Not that I blame the others, I don't tell them when my birthday is because they will just say 'Haha! Livia is old!'. Yes I am the oldest among my friends. The others birthday are like June-December, and those who has their birthday on January to April are mostly 16 years old. Time for me to be a year older, your time shall come too.
I spent some time reading 'Shopaholic & sister'. It is kind of an addicting story book. I had 'Shamania' for dinner, good stuff. It is really delicious especially the butter chicken. Later I shall have my lovely mud cake. Can't be bothered putting up the picture of the cake. I shall put it up next time.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I went to the church play with my family. The church play was good but it was really dull and boring. The songs and especially at the ending, the songs are like repetative, not exciting, too dull and boring. Everytime they sings, I feel like snoring away. The story is just based on the bible about Jesus. How Jesus came, heal, crucified and ressurected. They modernised the whole thing.
After that I spent my time reading 'Shopaholic and Sister'. The book is really interesting and I realised that I am just like Becky's (the shopaholic) sister. Maybe, better than the sister. The sister is not a shopaholic, very thrifty, studious and dresses really plainly. At least I still like shopping, I don't hate it so much like Jess (the sister), who wouldn't even get in the shops to browse for clothes. Terrible sister I would say.
Anyway, Terri texted me and asked me for my birthday. I told her it was the 5th of april and she was like 'Oh! It is tomorrow! Sorry I kept forgetting. I knew it was just around the corner but I don't know it was tomorrow'. Yes tomorrow is the day I turn 17th, oh man I feel so old I mean among my friends. But I think I like to be 17th sort of... Oh well, everyday is just a new day for me. But tomorrow is a new year for me! I don't know what I am crapping about. Pardon me.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I got a book off Debbie and it is called 'Shopaholic & Sister', I know it is a girlish book and all you who know me don't have to be so shock. I read, I read all kinds of book except of detective stories, because it is so boring and you can actually predict what is going to happen because all detective story is basically the same.
I will be drawing some comic since holiday is so relaxing. Anyway, tomorrow our church is holding a play called 'The greatest escape', hope it would be good.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Yes! It is holiday starting from today and it is wonderful. Two weeks of holiday, I love it! Anyway, today I went to church because of good friday and I went out for lunch with Debbie and the others. While, having lunch I was also texting Amy. Our mind started to wonder into a world of fantasy which involves pokemon, digimon anf yugioh. We started some silly story about how stacey became wild and we the 'gardener' save the day. Kind of childish and stupid. Amy also told me about her gangster grandma who doesn't stop talking, she talk and talk and talk thtoughout the whole trip. Oh well, that is about all. I shall go to bed now.