Monday, July 20, 2009


I learnt a new recipe today :D. Yeah!
Cook tomato sauce in low fire. That was easy, I then cut 2 onions, cutting the first onions was really slow. I kept sobbing and tears kept coming out my eyes. My eyes were sore and too teary that i cant see a thing. I hate cutting onions. The second onions was weird when i cut it, i kept an arm length distance away from the onions to stop the tears. Well it works though. Jeremy cut and peel the potatoes. He boiled it then. Smash some bread up using my hand and throw in the onions and the meat in. Then i put some salt, pepper, chicken salt and garlic salt. Make it round like a ball, fry it just to make the outer side cook and put it in the oven. Finally the meatball is ready to be serve. My stomach kept rumbling when i was frying it. The smell was awesome. It really smelt good. The meal was delicious. The sauce was sweet and the meatball was mouth-watering. The smash potato with garlic salt was good too. It was really good. I will cook meatball again, someday.
Tomorrow is school day, I will go for the badminton practice and hope that my mates will be there or i will be practicing alone again. I hope PE will be practical and not theory. It is really fun to play soccer although the weather is freezing.

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