Sunday, August 30, 2009

I felt that I am really far behind on my work so I did my graphics. Finishing the top part of my mock up model. The bottom part...I will leave it for tomorrow. I played ffx again. It is kind of a heart ache after going through such a long journey all you get is a sad ending. And in between the whole game, there are more sad part. Although I hate the ending I love the storyline and the awesome graphics. I also played with the photoshop and did an animation of flower blooming. (Got the idea from Alice) But it wasn't good.
Last night was a bit awkward. Movie wasnt really that great. After watching movie, we went to starbuck and chat. The worst part was on the way home. Evelyn was really bad at driving. She stop at the middle of the road because she wanted to be safe even though there is no car at the round-a-bout. When I asked her to slow down, she stop the car. Something wrong with my mind last night, can't even remember my house address. Anyway, thank God that I recongnise the road or else we will be stuck somewhere in cashmere.

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