Saturday, October 24, 2009

How did I know my friends?

The beast tugged on her bag tightly, afraid to move. She cowered in the corned while the beauties chatter away happily. She hunched at the dark corner, afraid to be notice and stare into space. The other beauties sway their golden hair under the sun. The beast felt uncomfortable with all the beauties around her, this story is about the beauties and the lonely, stupid beast.
'Go on squeeze in.' The old lady smiled. She asked and talked to the beast for sometime, asking question about where she was from. This is where the beast got a first good impression of this school. Although, the school feels like the school of beauties. 'Your english is really good, you might be able to do well'. The old lady praise the beast, flattered and shocked, the beast answered a simple thanks. The old lady waved her in to the hall, without wanting to disappoint the old lady, the beast squeeze in like a little rat. Later, the old lady introduced her to an asian. The beast felt comfortable about this girl and sat beside her. When this girl tried to speak to the beast, the beast can hardly understand her, so all she answered was a 'I don't know' and a nod. And when the beast speaks, the girl can't understand. The beast felt like a chicken talking to a duck.
Lets skip to graphics class...
Watching the empty back row, the beast grab a seat from that empty row. While the other beauties grab a seat further away from a beast. Trying to stay out of sight, the beast heard a shout 'Take care of her, she is new'. The beast didnt dare to turn since she was shy, but she was curious so she tried to figure it where the voice came from trying to take a look from the corner of the eyes. 'Hello' this friendly voice sound came from behind, knowing that this beauty is talking to her, the beast turn shyly. This beauty is different from the others, the sign of friendliness can be shown in her face. Two of them have an angelic smile on them while the blonde, beauty was staring at me with curiosity and interest with her big, blue eyes. Shy with this the beast answer with just one word and one syllable - 'Hi'
'My name is abby, this is terri and that is alice'
The beast tried to show her interest by smiling back but it turned out to be liked a scowled. Embarrassed by that kind of expression, the beast quickly turned away from them. Cursing herself for not making friends with them. Anyway, which beauty would want to make friend with a beast? Try to imagine a group of beauties waving and swaying their hair and body under the sun, and a beast with their hair tied up standing beside them. Instead of swaying gracefully and beautifully, the beast would sway clumsily ruining all the good moments. A sunny day would change to a thunderstorm.
March, a beautiful morning, until you meet beast. The beast was drawing and of course, the beast can't do anything beautiful or graceful. This blonde beauty came up and examine the beast work. 'It is good' she exclaimed. The beast was shocked, 'Is this some kind of remark that beauties say to insult people or it is to tease me?'. So, the beast denied thinking that this beauty would suddenly shout and exclaimed 'Yes of course it is ugly! You are a beast, what can you do? Ugly stuff!'. But instead of this insulting remark she said 'It is really good'. The beast denied and while the beauty praise. The beast eyed this beauty work and praise her instead, but instead of praising herself, she denied it just like the beast.
Anyway, after months of misery without friends, the beast suddenly ended up with them. Although the beast dont know why this beauties would want to befriend a beast, but all the beast knows is that this beauties have a kind heart.

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