Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Movie Night

Movie night was really fun. I watch New Moon and it was quite good. I went with Alice, G and Abby. I sat beside Alice, and it was really embarrassing when Bella was kissing Edward she yelled out loud 'Livia you like this part right!'. What an embarrassment...But all in all she was funny. I didn't quite concentrate on some part because of Alice funny acts. She cried (fake) at the sad part when Edward left Bella. Oh and she kept putting foods in my shirt. All I know is that G and Abby was listening attentively to the movie. Their favourite movie... I didn't know they love to complain about the advertisement. Anyway, I believe the people behind us was laughing at Alice at her loud remarks on some of the ads.
Well, it was really good and I hope that I could hang out with them again.

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