Monday, November 9, 2009

Racist people...that fat girl kept shouting racist remark which I just kept my calm. Isha wasnt listening because she was singing. If she touch me I would have punch her in the face. I would be able to beat her if I fought with her because...
1. She is huge, which means a bigger target it easier to hit and a smaller target like me would be harder to hit.
2. I think I am faster than her.
But if she jump on me I think I would be as dead as a squashed ant. I learned that if never start a fight first because you will be guilty, but be alert as always.
Alice, she use her heels and step on my toe and she step on my toe twice! Right on the spot. Hurts so much that I started limping. Not to forget I step on a sharp stone yesterday while running after the stupid rugby ball and hurt my heel.
Alice, Abby and G wrote some letters and hid it all over graphics room. They said they would be back on 2011 and find the notes. It might be gone but who knows...
Sweet memories...This blog would help me remember my past.

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