Thursday, September 30, 2010

I haven't been writing in my blog because I had been really busy lately. Busy resting. I know, I know, how can you be busy resting. Well...actually, if you rest you take lots of effort. You have to take some time off, trying to push everything aside just to rest. I mean come on, sometimes you rest, your mum will ask you to do some work, thinking you are lazy. You need to find a time, to just sit back relax and enjoy doing nothing until you hear your name being called. There goes my mum again, I need to clean the table now and then back to my books.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I hate how I reacts to Saturday, everything seems slower, my movement, my thinking, especially my reaction. I don't know why, I always feel tired, or some other people might say lazy. But I am seriously not lazy, I want to be active. But somehow, I am way too tired to move, when I stand up, I feel dizzy, the room feels shaky. Probably is the after shock huh..
Yesterday was hilarious, Alice was funny. I mean, when you look at her you start cracking up. It all started when Abby said 'Look at Alice! She looks funny!', yea that was when everyone started cracking up. Danielle said it was because of her skirt, it was slant sideways and her jersey make her body a little bit distorted. We played a game how fast people react or realised what was changed to a person's appearance. I suck at it of course, I don't know what I was doing, so all I did was fold up my jersey's sleeves and lower my tie. Before that, they were trying to pronounce my chinese name correctly, obviously it was a failure. Abby was the closest one to getting my name right and she was asking 'Do I sound asian?'. She is good but she doesn't sound asian. Alice is always the worst at pronouncing my name.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


It was the biggest earthquake in New Zealand. It started in Canterbury, that is why it was so huge. Everyone was actually freaking out, even me, the magnitude was 7.4. I text Alice, who was actually sleeping until her mum came into her room yelling 'Get under the door!'. It freaking woke me up alright, shaking so hard like trying to shake a sleeping beauty up. Misa even text me asking whether I am alright. This is really one scary experience, I couldn't sleep after that. Even dad got calls from every where especially from my aunt and uncle. Just pray that God will keep Christchurch strong and stop the earthquake.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How can people can excellent when I can't even get achieved?
How can I achieved the highest? Why can't I be like the others? What is wrong with my essay? Why do I fail when I just make one stupid mistake? I got that date wrong, so what? That is much of a problem is it? Well, I really need to brush up on my stupid essay. All three of them, short stories, unfamiliar and extended text. I really need to study now.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I am really kind

My title post really got nothing in common with my post here but it might have something in common. Well, I won badminton singles and doubles so I am really happy. Misa was my badminton partner in my doubles. Laura, one of my badminton teammates kept saying 'Livia stop doing that' after that it followed with 'Livia you are being too harsh!' or 'Don't be mean'. I am kind, real kind, seriously. Everyone was against me in badminton, can you believe that, I mean come on mate, even Misa was laughing crazily at my terrible hit. But anyway, I won, as amy said we should have credits for playing badminton. She reckons I would get excellence for it. It would be great if I get credits for it...
It was a close call, I freaking slip and almost smash out of the windows. What a day, probably not smashing out of the window, my head was an inch close to the window. I was going down the stairs arguing with Zahra as usual because she called me a 'gleek' because I watch glee. I argued that she did watch glee, anyhow, I was walking backwards then turn wanting to walk the right way but I slip, missing a step so I slip. Rushing down the stairs at full speed (just imagine someone push you down a stairs but you didn't fall) but it was alright because two steps and I got my grip back. But I thought I would slam into it, I already had my hands up to my head. Dayna, Felicity and Zahra was laughing hysterically and so was I.
I came home and text Zahra about how I met this indian muslim guy who would love to meet her. She didn't believe me at first, calling me an egg as usual and saying that I was lying. I told her that it was true and he was interested in meeting her and I said I describe her very well. She asked what did I said and I said that she was short but pretty, smart but dumb at times and said that she would make a good wife! Then she called me a douche bag, real nice ae after I called her pretty and smart. The boy was ten or under...totally her type. Zahra the Zebra never miss her chance to insult me and I never miss mine.
I was imagining the story that I would like to write, my heroes would be Alice ( I know she is not the type of hero, anyway her attitude might make it fun), Abby and Terri. There are more, but this three would be one of the main character. Oh I told Zahra that she can be the annoying main character who gets everyone in trouble. Amy and Stacey, can be the funny and annoying merchants. There will be more to plan, I might put some of my Malaysian mates in, Qi can be the strongest enemy since there is no one as strong as her, Jia Ling the expensive merchant the others might be the minor character. I haven't plan it all yet, just bit by bit.