Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The second one

Just when everyone was starting to forget the first, the second one struck. This wasn't expected from anyone (not sure about those geologist). Happiness in school was just forgotten so fast because of the second earthquake. Thank God everyone in my school was home when it hit, we got home because of the teacher's union at 12.15p.m and the quake strikes at 12.51 p.m.
Difference of first earthquake and the second, everyone was home when the first earthquake strikes but when the second earthquake struck everyone was having lunch or in work in the city centre. The first earthquake has done quite some damage to the city and the second earthquake have done all the damage for sure. This earthquake was 6.3 only 5 km deep and 65 people pass away. This is definitely not a great day for Christchurch.
This was violent, my house shook and sway violently as if it was enraged. Mum was screaming while I try to stopped a cupboard from falling onto me but everything
on the cupboard just fell of and one of our decoration drop and broke beside me. One of my bad habit was just sitting there waiting for it to stop, I should have dive under the table. Christchurch main building, the cathedral, was partly gone.
Before the earthquake After the earthquake

I hope there won't be anymore earthquake.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ellie and Jennyfer kept calling me granny just because I am the oldest in the group. Anyway, those little brats will be taught some manners. Megan passed around the paper asking us to tick what time we want to watch the movie 'No strings attached', when it came to my turn, I don't know what time to tick, 3.55 or 6 something so I tick both. I passed it to abby who yelled out 'Who would bloody want to go at 4!' and she laugh like a maniac. Well, somehow everyone wanted it to be at 8 something, so I changed it too and abby called me a rebel. How does that make me rebel?
Alice changed my pencil case placing and I thought I lost all my pens when I went to study. Well, it was hilarious in graphics, Alice jab me and the teacher saw it calling her a bully, then she said I should learn self defence from Alice. Boohoo! Alice isn't that strong, and she is not that tough. I was right! She tripped at the door, why would I learn self defence from a girl who can't watch where she was going.
Jenniel sent me a disgusting picture of me. Gosh! I must get one of them. I will get it tomorrow. I have to do my homework now.