Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saturday is the best day.

Yes, saturday is the best day. Well I woke up at eight but dozed off again and woke up at nine something. Of course didnt jump out of the bed straight away, too cold, just lie down and think. And realised that I forgot that my green elephant was not added to the package. Anyway I just lied there lazily and at quarter to ten I got up. Went to add my green elephant into the package.
Well about last night, went to a youth meeting. Evelyn, the youth leader, she is really weird. Well she laugh by herself, I dont get her really. Laughing all by herself...weird. I told her that I am going to write about her in the blog. She started saying all the bad things about herself, so she is the one who gave me the idea to blog about her. She said that she laugh for no reason and bla bla bla. Dont remember. I have a feeling that she complained too much about her job to her mum that her mum got fed up and ask her to choose another job. Another girl called Debbie, Debra or whatever, heaps of name she got. Some sort of stalker I guess, dont remember giving my cellphone number to her and she got it. Taking picture of everyone like a spy.
Anyway they talk about ice skating, too lazy and no money to go. Of course got force to go. Came up with all types of random ideas to avoid the ice skating and of course doesnt work at all. Well depends on my brother no transport no ice skating and YAY! Hit the shuttlecock up the roof. Sigh...My serving sucks. Got to practice more. Got to colour my package, I hate colouring.
Went to see our future house, it was awesome. I like it, it looks nice though.

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