Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tiring day.

It is really tiring. First period was PE and the field was freezing cold. I wont type much today so, moving on to after school. I had my badminton game and we played against St Margrets, if i m not mistaken. I won, everyone won. Soon Yie went to play the piano and of course, I had never played the piano ended up accumulating everything. Muahahaha. Natalia was shouting nonsense when I was playing badminton. She was trying to be a commentator, cheerleader and a coach. ' Ohh...and she serve, she got the ball!', 'That is not good enough Livia.', the quote that make me lose concentration, 'L-i-v-i-a Go...LIVIA!'. Then Natalia got pissed when I agreed with Fleur that Natalia is much more mean than her. Of course I have to comfort her and she got happy because I said one of her 'boyfriends' name sound like cow dung. Anyway, after badminton I got to hurry to get a shower and my whole family left to watch my brother play rugby. It was such a waste of time. He did not even showed up until the last 5 to 10 minutes. The game was boring as riccarton kept scoring and middleton like a little coward mouse dont even dare to tackle them. The score was 21-3 Riccarton won. Went and eat Mcdonald, I got a mc-chicken for my dinner. Ate half of the apple pie. And that's all, I need to finish my english homework.

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