Thursday, September 10, 2009

I realise something. I think I m way closer to alice, abby and terri than the people whom i sit with. I realise I feel much more comfortable to sit with alice, abby and terri. I think I might change and sit with abby and her group. They arent really scary after all... Who knows I might change my group..after I get my revenge..(evil laughter). Probably use rubberbands with paper and lastic them or steal their bags or bake a cake which will explode at their face (uhh..I think i dont know how to do that.) or buy some fake bugs and stuff it in their bags (or put real ones)..and the list continues.
The group i sit with felt a bit scary, well not during lunch time though. The seems to have their different self when they are with their friends and they change when I am alone with them. I dont get them sometimes. Yeah they sort of freak me out...
Well, enough about how I feel now it is about what I saw. Abby and Alice the little rascal friends for me. Abby the crazy girl kept touching Danielle when she was talking to Alice and Terri. It was really weird...the way she touch was like a kind of loving touches (*vomit). At least not worst than how Natalia touches herself..alright lets forget about that. Alice was really funny when I didnt want to say 'Hi' to her. Abby treat me like a small kid forcing me to say hi to everyone in her group. I think I remember all the girls name in her group..Just dont know how to spell their name. Abby asked whether I wanted to be part of their group and if I say yes, she will throw some knifes at me to become 'blood sister'. How fake...Well they kept convincing me that the knife hit their head and how they bleed. They were really bad at lying. Man, I really like them, just like how i like my friends in malaysia. Abby thinks that I m the meanest asian she ever met. I think the other asian would be mean too if they can speak as well as me. Well, come to think of it again...I think I am mean ...but I am nice too okay...

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