Saturday, September 26, 2009

Awesome play but uncomfortable seat

I went to a play last night. It was good, the girls were awesome. Alice was acting as a grumpy teacher, and her clothes were sort of too big for her. Everytime she comes in eveyone will laugh, not because of the way she act. But because she was really awesome and how she dresses and tie her hair up just exactly like an grumpy, old teacher. Anyway, G was awesome too, she can remember heaps of line, pretty smart girl. I think I fumble and forget my lines if I was the one. Both of them were great and I believe they should pass with flying colours. What I hate about the play is the seats. Oh terrible seats. I didnt have a comfortable time, it lasted for about an hour sitting there, trying to squeeze in and out of my seat. I was sitting there, enjoying my time until a big man sit beside me. Then a girl sit on my other side, but she was fine because she was at least slim and skinny. And I think I heard some farting noises in the drama room but who cares. Oh yeah, and before the play I heard some one yelling behind the curtain 'Where is my chicken!?'. Probably not that sentence but I heard something like that.
I pass my PE test, so happy! I get an extra 4 credits now. Woohoo! I think I would love to hang out with friends during the hols. Since I got nothing to do except for watching TV and use the computer.

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