Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh gosh, I tried to write my speech and it all ended up like crap. Speech just last for 2 minutes, so I thought that I should be writing about my former teachers instead of my former school since it is shorter. Don't know what I should add, so Malaysian friends of mine, please help me and add any comment you think about your teacher.
I know that some are like to boast about how they are so hardworking when they are young. Also I added that some teacher pick her nose in front of the whole class. Oh yes, and some cranky teacher that looks like she will blow up anytime (those teacher might be having their period on that day). Teachers that are lazy that will sit down and teach us and how she sets homework for us and check it 6 months later. So many negative stuff, I wonder whether I can come up with the positive side. Hm! Maybe not, the negative stuff seems much more fun to speak. Lol!

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