Sunday, December 13, 2009

Good and Bad day

My eyes are teary, my nose is over-flowing with mucus, and I keep sneezing. That's right I got a cold, not any normal cold. It is terrible today and gone tomorrow. I got some sinus problem... Visiting my cousin was the worst part of it, I kept sneezing in their house and my eyes were bulging and red...I felt tired and sick. I wanted to go home while my mum keep insisting on staying a little longer, so while I suffer they chat and laugh out loud. At last I am home...Home sweet home.
The good part of today is that I went for driving lesson with my mum. Of course you can see her clutching the side of the door tightly even her veins were showing. She sat in one odd direction, and her feet will never stop moving. She sometimes slam on the brakes as if that there is one at the passenger seats. I, on the other hand enjoyed my driving and sometimes slam on the brakes too hard that make the car jerk, and my mum will jerk by sitting up straight. At the bump she will be screaming 'HIT THE BRAKES!' and she always say the same thing 'Keep to the left'. I guess driving the first time is really fun but it is never fun for my mum.

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