Monday, January 18, 2010

Home alone

Everyone is out and I am home alone! I am suppose to go to Muar (where my grandparent lives), but because I am sick and my aunt and cousin is going, it is way to packed for me to squeeze into a car. So only my brother went!
Actually I dont really know what to do. I going to spend quality time with my favourite dog, Cherry, since on Sunday I have to give her away. I hope she won't be naughty and fight with her own brother. I hope she will enjoy the company of her brother and be happy as always.
Yesterday, a monkey climb up our tree. My brother took a long stick with him and cherry struts along side with him. Ready to attack that wild monkey. I was watching through a window, that monkey got pretty mad when my brother prick his stomach with a stick. But that silly monkey still refuse to come down. Cherry came walking around that tree, ready to strike when that monkey falls. She jumps and she barks excitedly at the monkey while the monkey shows faces at her and scowled at her. Monkey, it just makes me remember about Alice wanting one. I thought maybe I should catch that monkey and give it to her, but, nah! The monkey is too wild, if she wants one, maybe a smaller one and a young one. But not going to give her a monkey, her house is going to be like a zoo one day.
I need to wear spectacles, how sad is that. But those specs just don't make any different to me when I wear it. It looks exactly the same, anyway I just put it on. But only for reading and stuff like that, I am not going to wear it all day long. No way! I looked like a geek with glasses on, seriously.

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