Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I went to the church play with my family. The church play was good but it was really dull and boring. The songs and especially at the ending, the songs are like repetative, not exciting, too dull and boring. Everytime they sings, I feel like snoring away. The story is just based on the bible about Jesus. How Jesus came, heal, crucified and ressurected. They modernised the whole thing.
After that I spent my time reading 'Shopaholic and Sister'. The book is really interesting and I realised that I am just like Becky's (the shopaholic) sister. Maybe, better than the sister. The sister is not a shopaholic, very thrifty, studious and dresses really plainly. At least I still like shopping, I don't hate it so much like Jess (the sister), who wouldn't even get in the shops to browse for clothes. Terrible sister I would say.
Anyway, Terri texted me and asked me for my birthday. I told her it was the 5th of april and she was like 'Oh! It is tomorrow! Sorry I kept forgetting. I knew it was just around the corner but I don't know it was tomorrow'. Yes tomorrow is the day I turn 17th, oh man I feel so old I mean among my friends. But I think I like to be 17th sort of... Oh well, everyday is just a new day for me. But tomorrow is a new year for me! I don't know what I am crapping about. Pardon me.

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