Saturday, April 10, 2010

Well, I went fishing, not exactly fishing, I watch people fish. It was so boring, sitting there waiting for the hook to come out with a fish but always coming out with just a hook and the bait is gone. Well, the sight was beautiful, we went somewhere else, not sure what the place was called. On the way back, I was happily enjoying the view and suddenly a 3 cm bee came out in front of me. I could see the fur sticking out of the back. I was actually freaking out while I watch it climb around the seat. I didn't scream of course and my dad kept hitting it with my aunt's jersey while I freak out watching it raise is stinger.
Well, eventually we stopped for lunch and had fish and chips. My uncle cleared the bee away by grabbing a clothes and just grabbed the bee and chuck it directly at my direction. Again, I freak out but didn't scream. I watched the bee wriggle around on the floor while I struggle to not step on it while climbing abort into the car. Stupid bee, I realized that I am not actually afraid of small insects but big insects definitely scared me.

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