Saturday, June 5, 2010

I am really sorry to all readers, this year is a very very tiring year for me. Every time checking on the new house, planning the furniture then I got to study for almost every week there is an exam coming up. I don't like this year much...I worry every time about english, I don't want to fail it! I don't want to be the dumb one who fail everything.. I must pass! I promise myself.
Let me tell you about last wednesday, we had our business management speech in hotel copthorne. I realised the speech isn't that embarrassing, it was suppose to be because we did a jingle.
'Deltah girls produce beauty book,
Once you read it you will get hook,
Beauty, nails, hair and skin,
..and don't forget those juicy lips.
We tell the truth and we save you money,
no photograph on our picture no no honey
Untainted beauty'
The last sentence wasn't sung because Alice just walk out and start talking. I felt my ears going hot, was a little scared. The most embarrassing thing in the competition was..'the lift'.
Alice, 'the real rascal', press half of the buttons while we were on the elevator. We were having fun going up and down on the elevator, before we reach the ground floor, Erin press every button. When we reach the ground floor and man came in. He press the eight floor button (there was 10 floor, we were heading to the tenth floor). We stop at every floor and that man was getting impatient, he kept pressing the close button while G kept saying 'This is really embarrassing'. On the seventh floor, Alice farted...out loud...she was beside me and she made me look like I farted. How embarrassing.. What a day huh...

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