Tuesday, August 3, 2010


There was a reliever in our class for biology, so we snuck out from our assign seats and into the seats beside our friend. Stacey the most annoying person for that day. But siting beside amy and stacey was pretty much fun. Anyway, there are some awesome conversation going on...awesome but insulting...
Amy is going to sit for a scholarship so that next year she can go to Japan and study.
Amy: I totally had the teacher man! She will give it to me.
Me: But if you go we can't graduate together.
Stacey: Oh I know we won't, you are going to fail and I am going to graduate.
Amy: LOL!
Yes, I got totally insulted there. Anyway, there was another one. Amy tries to hurt my feeling, 'Livia your english sucks, do you feel hurt?', shocked I turn to looked at her 'What? No, because I always know that my english is way...better than you'. Stacey turns 'Oh! She got you there!'.
Anyway, Abby seems to sound like the nanny since she lost her voice. Not exactly like the nanny but at some point when she said 'I know', it seems so totally a like.
Where the heck is the front cover of the book, I need it....Alice. My email is liviachee93@hotmail.com.

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