Saturday, October 9, 2010

There was once I called Jia Ling, she was so excited about this one shoe and she wants to get it but I just don't know how. Anyway, she wanted my address so I told her and she replied 'Can you say it slowly once more?'. My address has a word 'Grove' in it, while I was mentioning that she was like 'Growth? G.r.o.w.t.h?' and I was like 'What kind of dumb address it that?' after having a few laughs at her while she sighs and grumble, I spell it out for her. And again, the questions that she always ask 'Why are there no photos of you in your facebook?'. Oh gosh, I can't just take a picture of myself and post it in. That would be extremely weird and having friends to take with me? I would say my friends don't really like the camera flashing their way when they are not pretty enough. I remember when I am in the mall they were like 'Livia can you not, I am in this dumb outfit' or whatever, something like that. They were actually wearing all this flashy outfits with some blings and bangles everywhere, whereas I am just wearing a shirt and a jean. Jokes, I hardly take pictures anyway, I look like a douche carrying my camera everywhere. I got my phone, but nah my phone is terrible, the pictures in it always look awful.
Today, my dad's mates are coming over for lunch. Last night my mum was asking me to roast a chicken for his mates. Why? Why me? You know I always burn it. New Zealand got a gold medal for commonwealth and Malaysia has 5 gold medals, yeah! Go Malaysia! Alice! Asians are winning that Kiwis!

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