Friday, July 24, 2009

Bad day

Today was pretty much interesting. I asked stacey about her soccer during english class, whether she won or lost. She lost, sad...Anyway she was like talking all about how she kick a girl leg because she got mad at her for stepping on her foot. That was pretty silly. I told her about how we won and all she answer was 'Whatever'.

Morning tea was pretty interesting, Tamine thought that I gave her an evil eye look which i did not.

Tamine : Why are you giving an evil eye look.

Me : What? No I did not.

Tamine : Yes you did and you look at my yogurt.

Me : Oh, because Olivia mandarin splurt some juice....

Tamine : Oh now you are blaming Olivia.

Me : What?

Olivia : What did my mandarin do, it didnt do anything to you.

Me : No...

And it went on and on, she kept accusing me that I gave an evil eye look at her mandarin. Serene didnt do it because she sort of chicken out. She thinks that the others would never forgive her because she lied.

Lunch time was fun, we were laughing two seconds ago and Tamine will just keep saying 'I'm bored'. I told a joke, Stacey became the victim. Chelsy came out with another joke, 'What is blonde, thick and empty?' 'What?' 'Stacey!'. Everyone start laughing except for Stacey. 'What I dont get it?' Stacey as clueless as ever, Tamine got to explain to her. She is really slow.

Graphics class, the first time I work so hard. I told Terri that I will help her out if I finish my graphics. Abby kept pestering me to tell her what I wrote in my blog.

Abby : Come on tell me.

Me : Fine I wrote that you are noisy.

Abby : That's not very nice.

Me : You won't understand.

Abby : Did you say that I m not understanding?

Me : No...

Anyway, Alice got some dirty tissue with water on it. Dont know where she got it from. She kept wiping it on my table and then she wipe it on my hand. Maths was boring, drawing graph, I was playing with my calculator most of the time. Sometime I just watch Angela as she play with Nicole's calculator. Before class started, Zahara put a marker pen near my face which I didn't notice. She called my name and I turn to look at her and got marker all over my face. She was really terrible. She kept disturbing Denise, poor her. Got to redo my graphics...Sigh.

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