Saturday, July 18, 2009

The other part of today

Just complete the first part of design development and I went online. I really should be working on it, seriously. But my laziness just took over me. Internet connection is really slow. I hate the connections over here. Once somebody uses the phone, internet connection is down. Had been repeating again and again. But I seems to be patient about it. Patient when it comes to this but not patient when it comes to other stuff. I got a really bad attitude, I should change.
There is so many things happening in Malaysia, so many things that I want to know. But sad, my malaysian mates arent going to the net often. Facebook is the only updates I can get about them. Heaps of them seems to be on a relationship already. They all r just too young to date. Well too young for me. I mean what is the point of having a relationship when u r not going to be serious about it. Well some are, but most of them arent really that serious. Even my mates in New Zealand kept whinning about getting a boyfriend.
I hate the current house I am living now. It is so old and lots of leakage everywhere, some people likes it but not me. Sorry to the owner of the house. Hope she doesnt read this post. Forgot to off the electric blanket today :D. Power bills with be soaring high because on me. Haha. It is 15 degrees today. When will it snow?!

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