Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thinking about the past and wondering about the future.

Today I woke up at 4 in the morning. It was so early. I turned and tossed around my bed trying to get to sleep. I gave up later on knowing that it wouldnt help, the electric blanket was on to number 1 :P. It was really cosy. My reluctants to get out of the bed was so great that i just lie there thinking. Looking at my room suddenly remind me of my old room. My small cosy room. The childish light blue drapes with ducks decorated in the vertical way, hung over the window. Come to think of it, everything is childish in my room. The red and blue cupboards, the green tables and green walls. The green fan that was place beside my bed usually blows directly onto my face. Probably thats the reason i always got a cold in the morning. The ray of the sun always shines through my one and only window. It always light up the room with the warm, golden glow. Yes, thats was my room, my childish room.
Looking at my present room, my grown-up room. Drawings and notes was clip onto my notice board with a big calender as a reminder for all events especially my exams. A computer on a white, squarish table. A heater (which i never use) is place beside it. Wires dangling everywhere. Sigh, the only thing that is cosy is my bed when it is heated up. My room is fill with the cold air. Waiting to torture me every morning.I wonder what am I going to be in the future, a jobless woman? (Not going to happen I hope) or a person with a wonderful job. (hope i could work with animals.) Married or single? (Dont really care about that yet). Average or wealthy? (Not going to put poor, because everyone starts off as a poor lad). But I dont plan to worry about those things yet because in Pr 23:18 says
there is surely a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off.
And it stated in Matthew 6:25-27 about not to worry. So God has a way for all of us. He will be the one who holds my future.
It is time to do my graphics again. It is Friday. I am still stuck at the same page.

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