Thursday, August 6, 2009

I m a dreamer

I tend to dream a lot. Just realised. I was daydreaming at maths class, as usual. Maths I would not blame is seriously boring. I think it is because Mrs Smith is boring. Well, English was fun. Mrs Ambrose was teaching us about a film called 'The Castle', boring film.
Mrs Ambrose : Example of verbal is "me bloody house" as what Darryl said. I am not going to say bloody anymore because I am a good teacher. more bloody.
Zahara : Pardon?
Zahara seems to enjoy the way Mrs Ambrose uses the vulgar word. She also said 'F star star star ing....' and Zahara said 'What did you say?'. It was pretty stupid. Lunch time was the most memorable part. We were playing some sort of game. The birthday girl, Olivia, ask us some kind of question. Then it came to coffee and she ask what came across our mind when it is coffee. I said awake and the others gave their answer. She told us that coffee means what do you think about sex. Tamine said teacher which is pretty hilarious. Stacey said grandma and some said high, gross and more. It was so stupid. Oh back to the title, I was daydreaming while we were in science doing some experiment. I came back to reality when my friend nudge me. I was also dreaming when I was playing badminton and I miss the shuttle.
Anyway, Natalia and Fleur was fooling around the court. Fleur was dancing around the whole court and Soon Yie was laughing her head off. Natalia was making weird noises like a pregnant lady giving birth. Sigh..should have brought my camera to tape it. I will bring it next week.

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