Monday, August 10, 2009

Today I went to church, the word is seriously incredible.

What is the shortest chapter in the bible?
Psalm 117

What is the longest chapter in the bible?
Psalm 119

What is the center chapter in the bible?
Psalm 118

The whole chapter added together will give you 1188 chapters.
The central verse is Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.
Isn't that awesome?

Had my lunch in Dragon restaurant. We went to three different restaurant before. The first restaurant we went didnt have anymore seats for us. Second restaurant was closed and the third restaurant only have bihun. Was so hungry when we reach there. Ate with 3 families, heap of people. Uncle Raymond have heap of story to tell. He kept talking and talking. Then the uncles talk about eating deer's meat. They say it is superb. We are suppose to save deers rather than eat them. Anyway, better stop with all this food stuff.

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