Tuesday, September 22, 2009

About IJC

Dont you hate it when you make one mistake and you have to do it all over again? I hate it so much, you got to redraw the lines and redraw the whole desk. Sigh...That is my graphics assignment. So glad I m not taking graphics next year, gah! Can't handle the stress. But I will be facing a bigger problem next year, i m taking maths and three science subject, pretty much a non relaxing year for me next year. Anyway I dont want to talk about that now. I shall talk about IJC my old school.
Old school is really old. Buildings are like real old and they dont even care to fix it. But I think they are doing a fundraising to rebuild the whole school to a much more modern school. It will still be no match for my present school, Avonside. The land is so small and avonside might be three times bigger than IJC. Toilets are like 'kampung' (village) toilet. At least toilet in avonside are cleaner but still not up to my standard. Let's see..over here, we can sit on the grass or walk on the grass. IJC, if with stand or touch the grass the prefects will go all hysteria and start screaming 'GET OFF THE GRASS!' and always the same threat came out 'Demerit! DEMERIT!'. Jeez, so annoying, demerit yourself, threatening students aint good, why dont the student say ' I SUE! I SUE!' probably that would shut them up. Boy that would be one hell of a show to watch, students and prefects threatening each other. But again it is Malaysia, students have not much rights. We sometimes get a kind of teacher that always boast about themselves,'Do you know last time I...bla bla bla...'. I bet we could even repeat the whole thing word by word. I hated the prefects so much on the first day of school. They took away my correction pen away, we dont even know the rules yet. How do you expect us to play by the rules if you dont teach us the rules? Teachers even got mad on how we sing out national anthem just because we twitch a bit because of mosquito.
The fun part about IJC is my friends. How we work together to defeat our teachers behind their backs. We work together by copying! How do we do that? Easy once our teacher turn their backs against us we snatch our friends paper and copy, then passing the sheets on to others. Yes, it's a sin, I dont copy anymore. Oh and teachers expect us to memorise a whole paragraph in 5 minutes, that's impossible for me of course. So what we do, we pretend to look a far but one person will hold the paragraph up high for us to read it. The part I hate the most, gymnastrada, a dance that the whole school have to do. We compete against every classes and to gain a price. Of course we beg our teacher to practice just to skip class and on the field we reluctantly do our dance. We force ourselves to sway to the beat of the music causing us to look like one freak show. The only person interested about this whole point is of course our leader who teaches us dancing. They would scream and shout to the extend but would just get disappointment out of it.
But those smarter class are of course really competitive about these stuff. They are all about the prize. Eyes on the prize but all you get it 50 dollars i guess. For the whole class to shared 50? What can you get, 50 divide by 40, so you might only get one dollar twenty five cents.
Even high schools does this 'Stand up, Good morning teacher.' But in malay version, depends. Yes, all I got to say about this school is negative stuff. But I do have some funny things, watching the teacher does disgusting stuff is real funny. They dig their nose right in front of the whole class. They dont even notice the whole class was giggling and making fun of them. Male teachers, they get bullied by the students. I still remembering Ding, chasing our maths teacher around. I would say that was really hilarious. IJC is all about the A's, yeah, student who goes to IJC are pretty bright. Except for me...Well, I can't provide the Positive Announcements(A+), but I can provide the Negative Complains(C-). How does that sound?

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