Friday, February 26, 2010

Cowgirls (just change it to a story to make it fun)

Bam! Bam! As dust flies everywhere from the mud road, creating a blur scene. Two girls appear out of nowhere, they ran fast without stopping, they slid behind a bundle of hay. 'Alice! She gone yet?' the brown hat lady with long wavy brown hair asked. Alice, her curly blonde hair tied up in a ponytail with a black hat on peeps through the hay. Her blue eyes scan the mud road, 'Don't know, but I think we lost her'. The brown hat lady sigh in relieved, she squeezed her revolver hard and fumbled with the bullets. She reload her revolver fast and slam the cylinder shut. 'Sweet gun, G', Alice said admiringly. 'Thanks, my dad gave it to me', G said, 'I hate using guns but, I must say, this is fun'. Alice scan the mud road again, 'Here she comes!' she whisper loudly to G, her hands touching her holsters, ready to redraw her gun.
Clattering sounds of horse hooves could be heard, but none could be seen. 'Are you sure? I bet she can't even sit on a horse' G chuckled. Alice held the grip of her gun steadily, ready to fire. Out from the mud road cam Danielle followed by Abby behind. They rode on their horse hard, sprinting all the way down. They jump down from their horse professionally and ran into a little pub, while their horse kept going on. 'Come on!' Alice shouted pulling G along, they too ran into the little pub. 'She's gone?' G said panting, she shoved her revolver into her holster. 'Duck you fools!' Abby yelled. Alice and G crouch low as they edge their way to Abby and Danielle. 'I thought you got into trouble,' G said nodding to Danielle. 'You crazy? I am no amateur,' Danielle answered, she twirled her gun trying to show that she is no amateur. Abby smirked at her while G was awe by Danielle professional twirling.
The floor board creaks, the girls fell silent, their heartbeat thumped harder, as if it is going to jumped out from their chest. The girls held their breathed, a shadow slowly formed at the door way, the black shiny boots appear. The tall black hair girl with a shorter brown hair girl appeared. 'Erin...Ellie..,' Alice said with a sigh of relieved. 'What the **** is happening?' Erin said angrily. 'Yeah! What's with the dust flying everywhere?' Ellie added, putting a straw in her mouth. With their nervousness, they haven't notice an old man with a white beard staring at them, his mouth drop opened with fear. 'Howdy....Six beers please,' Alice smiled, she turned towards Erin and Ellie who were waiting impatiently, 'Woman...fat....' G tried to explain but her voice trailed off, she was too scared to continue. 'That giantess? Oh! She dirty my boots!' Erin shouted pointing at her shiny black boots which was smeared with a little dust. Abby grinned broadly at Danielle, 'It is funny how we pissed her off,' Danielle nodded laughing with agreement.
While they chattered happily with the beer in their hand, I stepped in with my gaudy clothes. Alice smirked at me, while the rest just glanced at me. I draw out my gun quick and fast and fire at Alice. Alice jumped behind the bar, grabbing her gun. 'Hey! Outside!' The old man shouted, he lifted his fist at us. I ran outside followed by Alice, she fired some shots at me while I was running. 'You will never win, no matter how hard you try because I always win!' Alice yelled out, intimidating me. I spun around and shot her gun off her arm, I smiled pleased with myself while she smile sheepishly. 'You wouldn't shoot and unarmed person right?' Alice grinned at me. Silent, I pointed the gun at her and slowly pull the trigger...bam! I aimed to miss, ' Well? Do you consider me winning this time?' I asked putting the gun back into the holster.

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