Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy birthday, G

Well, kiwi's birthday is way, way different than Malaysian. They make it so grand here and Malaysia is just a simple 'Happy birthday' or celebration by inviting people to their house. Kiwis...they bake and have shared lunch, well, they bake and I would say they are an awesome baker. I wish I could bake, always my baking this end up either burnt or not too cook. Sheesh, never a perfect baking.
I tell you, Nicole is a freaky scientist, she mix all kind of chemical inside, I believe one day she will explode the whole chemistry lab. I don't know what Zahara did...she kept laughing and laughing and she said if I told someone, she would kill me. Yeah right...kill me... I freaking burnt my hand in the stupid chemistry lab, probably slightly burn, no scar or anything. Nicole turn on the gas while I light the bunsen burner, and poof! The fire was so strong that it hit me hand even from the distance. While I yell 'hot! hot!', Nicole was like, ' you stupid, people light and and move their hand away fast not place your hand so long near the fire while you light it'. How would I know, I thought I was freaking fast enough.
I would say, G is a pretty lucky girl for having such fine friends, she got heaps of birthday wishes and presents of toe rings from Alice and balloons necklace. Ah, that is all I guess.

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