Sunday, May 2, 2010

Oh such laziness that I can bear.

Okay, that was a pretty stupid heading. Everytime in class, my brains lit with bright and wonderful ideas to type in this blog, but it always get washed away when I get home. Staring at the cursor, blinking.... blank with ideas, I just shut it off and go googling or probably facebook. I don't stay on the computer for long because I will go play PS2 later on. Yup, I consider laziness is part of my let down. But the problem is that I am too lazy to start working hard.
'Study....', my dad always starts babbling about study whenever he sees me relaxing or playing PS2. Seriously, I think I should start brushing up on my studies, because it is already term two and biology, the subject that I always get distracted because of Amy or Stacey. Gosh, both of them are like crazy chicks who always praise themselve and insult one another.
I pretty proud about myself, reading a book in two days. Yeah, two days.... I know you guys will be like 'two days?? That is pretty slow for a 600+ pages of book.', Some people can just finish it within 5 hours. That reminds me of Qi, always coming to church with a book. Either a storybook that she wrote or a story book that she is going to read. I would say she is just like a nerd from outer appearance, until you know her you will say 'Ahh! Stay away! I am going to die!' Okay..probably that was too much exaggeration. Enough talking about her or else she will split my head into two like a watermelon.
Back to being lazy, I am going to watch tv.

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