Sunday, July 18, 2010

The last day of holiday

I never like the last day of holiday, the last day is the day of whining and complaining. As usual, whenever school is going to start, my parents start their lecture about success. About how being hardworking lead to success. While they babble about how smart those Asian are and told me to study as hard as those hardworking asian here. Then, they relate about Malaysian people, how hardworking they are how none of the people there turns our as electrician or whatever. My brother plans to be an electrician, tough job but a good pay. The pay over here is never less than 12 dollars, so whatever you do, you get at least 12 dollars. I started getting a bit mad when they compare me, telling how their friends children are lawyers because they are hardworking. Bla bla bla! They aren't bad parents but they do accept the fact that we are average people and lazy especially me. But to all people who think they are smart and a genius, good for you! Go fort and make wonderful results! I never envy those smart one, not once. I am glad that I don't get as much pressure as they do because they will always have to take the high educated job. You get the money but you don't get the joy. I was considering to do a job of designing a game kind of job but I am not creative enough. I should try, but I need to take graphic.
I am actually please by the smallest achievement that I get. Screw those high achievers! I can't get to your level but I can get all my happiness! I remember how malaysian distributes the smart one from the dumb one. I am the dumb one and I remember how everyone always praise and give the highest place to all the smart one. Those who is smart will always lift their head up high and the dumb one will always sink their head lower. While the smart succeed the average and below start dropping out, slowly losing their faith and desire in studying.
I do believe that God made us different for a reason, making some people smarter, some people average.

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