Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I had learn that even some non-Christian knows more than us. Shocking how Danielle came up with this remark that sounded so true. That skinny girl had more brains than I thought but she is indeed the smart one. Don't get me wrong, I admit that she is really smart. She said that how dinosaurs exist before human. God created everything within 7 days and she said that within that 7 days it is like a million years on earth. I thought for awhile and realised that what she said was so true. Even Alice a Christian don't know about that. God created humans at the last day, so dinosaurs are animals and animals were created on the before humans. And it is also stated in the bible that
For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.--Psalm 90:4But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.--2 Peter 3:8
There are so many question that cannot be answered sometimes. Some believes that there is a God but why do they not believe in Jesus Christ? They said that God is supposed to be nice but why do the non-believers go to hell? That I do not know but I do think it is like a punishment. Since Adam and Eve disobey God, they ate from the tree of knowledge, causing them to know what is right and wrong. I think God allowed free-will to happen from the beginning that is why the tree of knowledge of good and evil is there in the first place. So with free will anyone can choose what they like to do but not everyone choose the right thing. Some are just ignorant people that is why I think hell exist. I don't know that is my theory, I just guess.

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