Thursday, January 20, 2011

Where O' where has all my friends been?

Friends come and friends go. Does it all have to be like this? Life is a misery without any friends. I long for one who would ring me from time to time. I remember Jia Ling who would ring me and chat with me throughout the whole time, ignoring the phone bills and all. I love those days, and yet it all always comes to an end. Life seems perfect just at that moment and yet when I was at there I fret about all worldly things and now I still do. Here I worry about one thing, losing my friends. Everyone seems so independent so well sorted, so well planned with everything. I am still lost in my track, finding my own path, which one should I lead? I am sometimes still searching. I am lost. So many thoughts and questions, but so little answer. I should ring my friends from time to time, keeping them close is one thing that is important.
My friends in malaysia has all parted their ways, each going to the college or universities that they desire, and they are just so hard to keep in touch. Sure facebook will do the trick, but soon a whole paragraph of story will be one sentence and one sentence will be a word of reply. As the time tick, we distance ourselves, is it just me or you? Who changes? Did I change or did you change? It is hard to understand. Time gives us no time, it just comes and goes. Simple and yet quite complicated for me to juggle between 'adjusting' to the new life and 'keeping' the old life. How can I do both at the same time?
I want to keep my old friends and meet new friends, but once I do one, I start losing track of the other. This is hard. Life is complicated. Why do I worry? I guess it is all because I am a worrywart.

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