Sunday, May 30, 2010

I am terribly lazy to write so I will briefly say this. I went out after church to glasson, waited there for like half an hour and they arrived at 10 past 1. Typical New Zealander.... they are suppose the arrive at 1 o'clock. Anyway, we went to Java ate some fries then went around selling raffle ticket. Well, Alice is the one doing all the job, then G spot two hot guys and went fantasizing about them. While Alice kept touching my butt...that LESBIAN!
We did some embarrassing moves in front of the whole crowd, practising it again and again for our Wednesday speech. Oh crap, I am crapping my pants now. Later, I took a bus home and now I am really tired, I want to sleep.

Monday, May 24, 2010


I am starting to get comfortable in school. Staying three hours in school every Monday is just another routine to me. The silence seems sweet to me, staying in the big empty gym, reading a book, it felt so good. My ears prick sharply at any sounds that I hear like a dog. I am treating school like a second home, which isn't quite right.
Tomorrow is my Maths exam, everyone was saying that it is so easy except for me. Probably I am like the slowest person in my Maths class. And I need to deliver a speech to both English and Business Management, this is really a bad year for me. Delivering so many speeches in one year is my nightmare and I guess it is coming true. Right..back to Maths study.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A day to Alice house

Her lovely dog Bella was the first one to greet us. Her dog was nice but it greet me by hitting her nose against mine. While tears well up my eyes, Alice just keep chatting away happily with G. Then she introduce me to her brother who likes to laugh at the word 'nothing' because I used to pronounce 'noting' instead of 'nothing'. Apparently she tells her brother everything, I realized kiwis are really close to their family. Hmm...they tell their family everything. Anyway, her turtle (forgot the name) love to scratch people. Freaking hurts when her long sharps claws dig into my skin. We were actually in her house to create covers for our business management book. We, I mean they did create different awesome covers. They created covers by putting on bright red lipstick and kissing the pages. By five thirty, I have to go, they walked me out with their very bright red lipstick. While waiting for the stupid slow bus, they fool around by kissing each others cheeks and they wanted to kiss my cheeks. I disagree with what they want to do because who knows what people thinks about two lipstick smudges on my cheeks when I bus home. Well, it was a really good trip, Sumner looks like a wonderful area.
About today, badminton was absolutely silly because Zahara and Ellen made a fool of themselves. Zahara fell down while trying to get the shuttlecock and I recorded everything in Ellen's phone. I wish I could show you all the badminton game but it is in Ellen's phone.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Silly Amy, she told Misa that I was Japanese. Yeah, it was absolutely awesome, so she speak to me full on while I just look at her dumbly. I was actually wondering 'Why the heck is she talking to me in Jap?', she was like 'starto', I was guessing almost every word she says, probably that was the only word I guess correctly. After Amy told her I wasn't Japanese she answer with a simple 'Oh', I bet in her mind was 'Oh that is why she is such a mute!'. Gosh! Stacey just kept laughing at me. Anyway, we watch 'Caveman' about the evolution, how monkey involves into human. The movie was so gay and stupid that everyone was insulting it. Even the teacher who came in and check what we were watching insulted it. She was saying something like 'We were swimming!'. I think she meant we came from our mum's womb which consist of something aquatic.
Business management, Alice was a torture again. Squeezing and jabbing me hard on my ribs. While she always beg me to get her back, I just gave her a soft slap on her palms. But I will get her back, I know I will, just one day.
G google a fat chipmunk. I took a glance at her computer and saw a fat chipmunk came up on her screen. I laughed out loud while she laugh and type out 'Livia the chipmunk' and place it all over her screensaver. She was like 'I will look at this picture and remember you now!' and Alice was agreeing and she said 'Yeah! It really looks like Livia'. What? I don't look like a fat chipmunk!

the fat chipmunk

I might have chubby cheeks but no way I look like that chipmunk. Oh well, it is time for tea.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Badminton season has started again. This year is different without Natalia and Soon Yie. They are the star that help to win every battle against every school.
But I believe we still can win if I brush up everyone their badminton skills. Especially Zahara and Ellen, the two silly people. The year 11 are probably better than them. The opponent we versus are extremely stupid, they don't even know how to score. While they just simple yell out in when it is out, out when it is in. They also said that the rules say that people who play doubles have to play single too. I didn't play doubles, so she came up and complain about us. While we argued over what is right. This can't be right, we have to take turns don't we? Our team has six people and we are suppose to take turns. Anyway, who cares about that, we beat them.
Well, the funny thing is that Abby has been texting Jim. She gave her cellphone to me and asked me whether I want to text him. She asked me to text saying 'Hey I asian'. Okay that might probably freak him out and I think he got scared. By the way, I need to study for Chemistry, hope I pass cause my teacher said majority of the people who take Chemistry failed that exam. So I plan to be the minority nor majority. Right got to go and study.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The think I learn today is that never asked the teacher for to have fun. A girl from my class asked the teacher to let us have fun than studying tomorrow. The teacher reply with a simple remark 'Ya, we will have fun, we are doing pH!'. The girl just drop lower into her chair with a disappointed face and sigh. I would say my Chemistry teacher is a very funny and weird lady. Almost every sentences she end with a laugh. We will usually laugh along with her but we find it common. There was once she gave a the wrong sheet of paper to us, we never knew so we blindly paste the paper in our book. As she explain the uses of the paper, we were absolutely blank, staring stupidly at the acid and bases paper, while she babble on about equilibrium. At last, a girl (Sharnay is her name I think) exclaim that she has no idea what the teacher is teaching. Mrs Palmer (Chemistry teacher) looked at the paper she handed us out, her laughter was evil and we knew it was the wrong sheet.
Anyway, yesterday, I went out with the bunch off crazy asian. We ate our dinner at 9 o'clock, gosh I was so hungry. No one came to take our order so I came up with a prediction that they are afraid of asian because they wouldn't understand us, and Debbie started acting like a retarded asian.
KTV, never go there again. I am under age. I have to be 18 and above to get into KTV. It is just a stupid Karaoke, do you think that I will order alcohol?? I lied to the lady that I was 18 saying that I forgot my ID. She didn't believe me at first until this guy went up and talk into believing us that we are 18. Never going there again, she pisses me off. The songs were actually english but the video clips were all korean. Nevermind about that, I need to go and start writing about my lovely self as what Alice said.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I seems to be getting lots of flashback now of these days. I remember the two girls in our class (back in Malaysia) who always freak out at the sight of bees. And there was one time a bee really chase them, watching them running up and down the classroom like an idiot. The whole class was cracking up!
The worst part of my life, being sent to chinese school where all the teacher were crazy. I was such a cry baby when I was little. I cry because our teacher force us to memorise the whole text book which was quite a lot for an eight years old kid. I cry because I knew I would get in trouble if I don't do it, because the teacher would always have a threatening cane beside her. She would roar like a tiger whenever people don't finish their homework. I always get a painful stroke on my palm, a few strokes, which make my palm feeling sore for the whole period. I am never good at chinese, therefore everyday is a toture for me. Lucky for these guys who live in New Zealand, their whole life they get to play everyday instead of doing homework everyday.
Well, at least I thankful for a better life now.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Oh such laziness that I can bear.

Okay, that was a pretty stupid heading. Everytime in class, my brains lit with bright and wonderful ideas to type in this blog, but it always get washed away when I get home. Staring at the cursor, blinking.... blank with ideas, I just shut it off and go googling or probably facebook. I don't stay on the computer for long because I will go play PS2 later on. Yup, I consider laziness is part of my let down. But the problem is that I am too lazy to start working hard.
'Study....', my dad always starts babbling about study whenever he sees me relaxing or playing PS2. Seriously, I think I should start brushing up on my studies, because it is already term two and biology, the subject that I always get distracted because of Amy or Stacey. Gosh, both of them are like crazy chicks who always praise themselve and insult one another.
I pretty proud about myself, reading a book in two days. Yeah, two days.... I know you guys will be like 'two days?? That is pretty slow for a 600+ pages of book.', Some people can just finish it within 5 hours. That reminds me of Qi, always coming to church with a book. Either a storybook that she wrote or a story book that she is going to read. I would say she is just like a nerd from outer appearance, until you know her you will say 'Ahh! Stay away! I am going to die!' Okay..probably that was too much exaggeration. Enough talking about her or else she will split my head into two like a watermelon.
Back to being lazy, I am going to watch tv.