Sunday, January 24, 2010

She left

It pains me as I she that lovely girl left. Her favourite spot is left empty and every time I hold it back trying to be happy as she had reunite with her brother. They looked the same, but she is prettier and fatter. I will always remember her, her beautiful brown eyes, her beautiful, rough and shiny brown and white fur. Her long slender legs, and how she struts weirdly. Stubbornly refusing a bath every time I call her to the front, she would hide behind the trees, peeping at me.
The house feels so silent, the chains do not screeched every time she walks, no one barks at the gardener anymore, rubbish truck come and go with that gentle creature chasing after them, rushing to the front, baring her sharp teeth at the men and releasing a loud bark.
Everything is empty, as if I didn't own her before. I have to stop before a tear is release from my eyes. It is time to release my pain through badminton.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Miracles can happen

Raymond is sick. Although many prayer has been made, he still lay unconsciously on the bed. The doctor still don't know what is the cause. As he battle through hard, we always keep him on our mind, praying for strength and miracle. Although he might seems like he is losing the battle, God will always be by his side. One day when I was praying a song, I was reminded of the song 'There can be miracles, when you believe'. It is quite a meaningful song. I hope that everyone will believe that a miracle can happen and keep having faith in God.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A day in my mum school

The alarm rang noisily, while I turned and tossed helplessly, chucking pillows at it but it will never shut up. I never woke up as early as 6.30 a.m during my holidays, but I have to suffer for the cause of meeting my friends. After drinking a cup of (awful) oats, I jump into the all so refreshing shower.
When you are bored at home, you wish to be with a crowd; When you are crowded by noisy people, you wish to be at home alone. Today, I am crowded with the chatters of the old ladies. Of course some were young some were old, but not one is younger than me. They yak, while I sit silently at my mum's teacher desk, crouching silently with my book of 'Charlie Angel'. I am not much of a fan of it but it pass my time. I flip endlessly at the book, finding no interest in the book, waiting for the time to pass, 8.20 a.m it is my chance to take up that old black laptop and blog. I got nothing better to do. I bet my friends in Malaysia, which is currently in school is suffering while my Nz friends are enjoying. Lucky them, I am suffering of boredness now!
Trying to brush up on my lousy english. Madness, my english sucks and I am taking english 222. Alice english is better than me and she is taking english 212 ( if I am not mistaken).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My brothers has gone to Sabah

They have gone and I am home alone again. They took the camera, crap! I can't do a video of my friends. I am really bored, anyway, I am going to visit my friends tomorrow. But going to spend my whole morning reading, I plan to improve my english! Next year I am taking English 222, I wonder whether I am making a huge mistake. But my teacher asked me to take that....
Urgh, got nothing to do, anyway, I am going to watch a Korean Drama, Fantasy couple.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Home alone

Everyone is out and I am home alone! I am suppose to go to Muar (where my grandparent lives), but because I am sick and my aunt and cousin is going, it is way to packed for me to squeeze into a car. So only my brother went!
Actually I dont really know what to do. I going to spend quality time with my favourite dog, Cherry, since on Sunday I have to give her away. I hope she won't be naughty and fight with her own brother. I hope she will enjoy the company of her brother and be happy as always.
Yesterday, a monkey climb up our tree. My brother took a long stick with him and cherry struts along side with him. Ready to attack that wild monkey. I was watching through a window, that monkey got pretty mad when my brother prick his stomach with a stick. But that silly monkey still refuse to come down. Cherry came walking around that tree, ready to strike when that monkey falls. She jumps and she barks excitedly at the monkey while the monkey shows faces at her and scowled at her. Monkey, it just makes me remember about Alice wanting one. I thought maybe I should catch that monkey and give it to her, but, nah! The monkey is too wild, if she wants one, maybe a smaller one and a young one. But not going to give her a monkey, her house is going to be like a zoo one day.
I need to wear spectacles, how sad is that. But those specs just don't make any different to me when I wear it. It looks exactly the same, anyway I just put it on. But only for reading and stuff like that, I am not going to wear it all day long. No way! I looked like a geek with glasses on, seriously.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Malaysia band, Bunkface, this band's beat and all sounds really good. I am not really a big fan of malay's band and all but their beat is quite good.
Anyway, I have been stuck in my room for like whole morning because of my Flu, I hate to be sick. You just can't eat what you want to eat. It just pains me as I see my family gobbles down that mouth watering peanuts, and drink awesome fizzy drinks. All I get to drink is water and 100 plus. Well, while I am stuck in my room, I have been reading 'God's smuggler'. It is a real good book, I had been reading 1/2 of the book. It shows how this guy, Andrew, works undercover for God. And he smuggled some christian books into some country where communist is ruling over them. Oh well, I am not good at explaining, if you want to read just lend the book from me or go and buy them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy and Sad

I passed level 1!! That is what I am so happy about. I failed 4 papers which the three is english and the other one computer. English was expected to fail because I didn't revise much since I pass it already. Computer was much expected but I didnt expect the other two paper to get a merit!! So I was pretty happy about that. The other results was unexpected too, I expected it to be a Achieved or Not achieved. But I got Merit too but not Excellence....Oh well, my best results is Maths...
The sad thing about today, my sickness got worse. From just sore throat to sore throat and a cold. How did I celebrate my result? I didnt get to jump and dance around, I celebrate by least I had a peaceful sleep though since I passed.
I wonder how did the others did...I think they were better than me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Farewell to my aunt and cousin

We went to the Kuala Lumpur airport to send my aunt and cousin off. My older brother didn't go because there wasn't any space left and he just came back from his working place. So my mum, my brother and me went. Before they depart we went to Mcdonalds for dinner.

My aunt and her two children.

Amanda love the Mcdonald man.

She is really good with camera, she knows how to smile at the camera. I think when I was younger, I frown most of the time...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am sick! My throat itches and my neck hurts... And a few more days, NCEA result will be out.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Genting trip

The trip was awesome and fun! I went for quite some rides but the most boring one is dinosaur boating. Waited for half an hour and it turn out to be so shitty.
Anyway, we went up by riding a cable car. It was quite fun.

My little cousin, Amanda, her first time sitting in a cable car.

My family pictures
Waiting for the cyclone ride, was fun but the long queue was crazy.

I did took other nice pictures, but I think one of my brother went to delete it. It was a three hours drive and I spent my time by sleeping all the way. It was really fun and enjoyable. Those who visit Malaysia must definitely go to Genting. No regrets!
Oh yeah, I went in the Haunted Mansion and I was shitting in my pants when the ugly ghost was moving. And the room was freaking dark dont really know where I was going because I almost bang into most of the walls. The boy who was following us was speechless as he went out, I think he was scared to death. All I think about was whether I chose the right thing to go into that eerie room but it turn out to be a good experience. But I will never go into another haunted mansion again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thinking is what I always do

Since I am bored at home, I spent most of my time thinking some stupid question. And now I am in the office typing, at 1.30 p.m I shall go to my old school and surprise my friends. It wouldn't be much of a surprise and Farah will be furious at me again. I promise her last night that I will tell her when I am coming, but I didn't and with her sensitive self, I think I am a goner this time. Guess what! I am only hanging out with Andrea because they are:
having tution, too protected by their parents, in debt, not allow to drive and they dont have transport.
Oh! What a bother!
Anyway, back to the topic. What I have been thinking about is:
What is my future going to be like? And all I can see is a dark hole....
What happen if I were a boy? That is a stupid question. The answer is I will never be a boy.
What if I dont pass my NCEA exam? I am the biggest loser in my family.
What and How and Why keeps coming out. But the worst thought is NCEA. That just makes me piss myself. Yeah I have been wondering what is happening in NZ now. I think my friends are having the time of their life while I am in the mist of boredom. Oh well, I think I should go and read some newspaper to pass my time.
I am going to Genting tomorrow!! And ride all the rides!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

school has start for Malaysia!

School has start and I am still at home relaxing. Yes, relaxing.... But not really relaxing at the thought of NCEA results are coming out in mid Jan. It just freaks me out! Anyway, I am going back to NZ at 1st of February. Now, I'm bored...sheesh! Sometimes holidays just seems so boring, but since I am going to Genting on Friday, it would be a wondrous day for me to spend my time riding all type of crazy rides.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I went to have a futsal game on new years eve. I thought I wouldn't be the only girl but turned up that I was the only girl there. There were nine guys and one girl (me). After futsal, we went to celebrate new year in a 'mamak' store. All I had was milo ice, it was a beautiful night and the moon was brightly shinning. Futsal was good, it was fun but wasn't so fun at the thought that I am the lousy one in the game.
Before futsal, my cutie cousin came. By 'cutie' I don't mean a hot cousin, I mean my 1 year old cousin and few months cousin came to my house for dinner. The older one is called Amanda and she is really adorable. You can tell that she is really happy because she kept bouncing up and down like a ball except that she is thinner than a ball. She keep running around and sometimes drag me or my brothers to play with her. Boy, she really eat a lot! Even the orange skin she wanted to put it in her mouth and I was like 'No, it is a skin, eat that' and she kept prying my hand open. It is funny how she can't pronounce some certain letters like 'f'. She says 'pour' instead of 'four' and 'pie' instead of 'five'. The baby boy, can't play much with him because he will cry. Won't be seeing them anymore when I go to New Zealand.
Oh yeah,