Monday, August 30, 2010

Alice and G, a charlie angels? No way... Alice and a fantastic dream, she dreamt that she was like one of charlie angels with her partner G. She tells her story, full of adventures and action. It was something like this...
It was a late night hang out, Alice, G, Danielle and Abby went for a lovely walk in the city. Out of nowhere, buskers came, dancing and singing, Alice realised they were in danger, 'Quick don't make a sound (something like that)'. But stubbornly G shouted something that I can't remember. The buskers notice the girls, they rushed towards them and all of the sudden, Danielle needs to tie her shoelace. While the two girls got caught behind, Alice and G became heroes, rushing in saving the 'damsel in distress'. Alice grabbed one of the man by his arm and twisted it saying 'Don't do that again!' then she blow him off with a powerful punch. G no idea what she did, bet she got her crazy 'kung fu' skills. While Alice did a high kick causing stunning some men.
But no way such thing would happen, Alice is tough but never would be able to do karate and G way to soft to have 'kung fu'. I tell you who got karate's moves, Zahra the Zebra, the girl who hit me on the elbow so hard it hurts. Nah just joking it doesn't, it was a soft knock because I ignore her. I tell you what hurts, my chinese teacher giving me more than 55 strokes, using a cane. Yup, that was the day I cried...oh wait, I cried once when one of the PE teacher plans to embarrass us, asking us strip just because we forgot to bring our PE clothes (we didn't strip though). I mean how can you embarrass people, that is a terrible teacher, sure you can yell and shout at us but not embarrass us, we are embarrass enough if they told us off.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I had exams for the past few days. To tell you the truth it didn't go so well, I studied the main topic, instead the littlest, and most not important question to me came out. Draw the graph for biology for the pH enzymes and the temperature. Discuss about the differences about the pH and the temperature of the enzymes. I was like 'What? Didn't even know there was a pH for that'. So I wrote down, the differences of pH and temperature in the enzymes are that the names. The names are the first differences that I spot. No, I didn't put that down, I skip to the next page straight away. Physics, it was a miracle that I can do most of the question! Most! I said most! Yeah, might get not achieve again but at least I get what I was doing for mechanics. Waves, a disaster, I don't even know what equation that I should use, so I just wrote nonsense down, simply picking a equation and solve the problem. I might get it wrong but anyway, I did my best. English, I rather not talk about it, I think everyone can guess how well I did. Well, after Physics I taught Zahra maths. For an hour I taught her maths and all she learn was factorising an easy equations. But at least she learnt something, well, after that I was browsing through her photos laughing at all her little poses and tease some of them. At least she is not like a person who get angry real fast. She laugh along with me actually, laughing at all my insults. So it is alright to tease her but not the sensitive one. That's all for today folks.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh Dear! How blonde can you be?

I question Alice about the bible, while I insists that she answers she whines like a small kid saying that she don't have much bible knowledge. The question was simple and easy but probably hard for her or maybe she is lying. I asked her 'what are the first four book in the new testament?' She replied 'I don't know!? What is new testament?'. Great...I got to explain, I am not good at explaining. So I just said the new testament is the birth of Jesus onwards and the old is the part where Jesus Christ had not been born. Well after I 'Google'-ed the differences of New and Old, I learned that the new testament is the where the new revelation begins. The old is the old revelation. I think that is right....again, she complained saying that how she read my blog and how I didn't answered the question when I know so much. Well, I told her that if I explain they will throw more questions in my face which I can't answer. But she didn't listen sometimes as usual because of her overly busy personality or should I say she does more than two things at a time. Although I make her sound like a she is superman she is not, she is just a dramatic person who expression is overly expressed with her weird body sign language. Tall like a basket baller but never once is she athletic, slim like a model but she stills complains about her fatness (sometimes, not really about her fatness but about how fat she becomes). Did I make her sound like she is evil? I hope not, because she is really nice. Nice as in she talks a lot and she makes weird noises. She is has brunette hair but she is really blonde to me. You know what I mean. You should know why I say blonde. Don't worry if you don't understand it means that your innocence mind has not fully mature or should I give you a hint? Why do people tell blonde jokes?(highlight the blank space if you think your brain if mature enough, if not leave it)
Enough description about Alice. Abby grabbed me by my tie as if she is wanting to beat me up, she told me how I hurt her feelings by saying she ignored me. I don't think she is mad, she is just a girl who laughs and never get angry. She seems to have a funny family and a cute dog. She always got a story to tell everyone when she comes to school. 'Listen! Listen to me!' her favourite phrase just because someone turns away she becomes paranoid thinking people ain't listening to her. Oh Dear! How blonde can you be Abby? Every one is listening. I am the one who should be saying 'Listen!', probably not my type but seriously no one listen to me. Even when I talk to the girl beside me she would seems to not hear me and turn to another girl and talk to her. How insulting, I do not blame those girl, it is just because they have some hearing problem ( I am joking). G is the sad one. I remember her saying 'I don't want you talking about me on your blog, because I sound stupid', those word sort of crush my heart. I felt bad so bad that I felt like crying. And again, I am joking, how blonde can you be (if you fell for my tricks again)? Why would I feel sad about that, just change the name. So I named her G because without writing about her in my blog, it seems like a big empty space that needed to be filled. G the gentle and soft nature girl. She sticks her middle finger up at her friends for fun, while she laughs cruelly after that. She have quite a cruel laughter 'HAHAHA!', her first three laughter can give you a shock of your life if you were dreaming. I got a fright once, when I was sitting beside her.
I know I hardly talk about this girl, the reason is I hardly talk to her. The skinny little girl with her massive big brains. She is the smartest of them all, the most knowledgable girl in the group. I would say she is just like a wise man or should I call her wise woman? Anyway, her name is Danielle, that tall smart girl. I felt like a dumb one beside her. Well, being beside her is like her saying 'Oh Dear! How blonde can you be, Livia?'

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sometimes I don't see the point of writing in here, no one even reads it. Anyway, I write it just for my memories. Somehow I was talking about laughter yesterday about how I should be describing everyones laughter. Unexpectedly today, they talked about it. Everyone has their own unusual laughter, some snorts when they laugh. Well, I will describe my terrible sound of laughter. Every laugh that I let out, it sounded like I had asthma, as if every breathe I let out, I am going to die. G's laughter is loud and recognisable from miles. You can hear a loud 'HAHAHA' usually it goes three times then silence, mostly because she need to breathe in or she cups her mouth as if she knows that she is being too loud. Alice's laughter is somehow unique, from her laughter you can see all kind of dramatic movement that her body will show. I know that when she laugh she start with a 'Ah' in front so it sounds like 'Ahahahaha'. Well I think you know what I mean. Abby, crazy laughter like mine but not that terrible. She inhale in when she laugh, and when her laugh is silent and she raise a finger to point at you, she is sort of mocking you. That is how it looks like to me. Danielle, her face goes red sort of like pink if she goes on more than about 2 seconds. She nods in agreement when she laughs if she agrees with something. Some are silent laughters, but I still remember the most interesting person who laughs with her head bobbing to the front and back smacking her hand on whatever object she can find, her name is Jia Ling. You can't really describe laughters.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Smart answers because it is never wrong.

Read the questions properly. I read some of the stupid exam questions, some are not stupid it is just so true. How could the teacher mark the answer wrong, it is straightforward and true. But sadly, teachers are really straightforward that they must have the right answer. The following answer is true.
Why is oxygen non-polar?
Because God made it that way.
Well, it is true that God made it that way. So do you think it is wrong? I don't think so. I called Li Hui today. Interesting talk and she needs to attend tution so that is where the conversation stop. I had quite a laugh when I annoy people, not in a bad way until people couldn't stand it. Well, I do love asking the question 'Did you get into National Service?' if their answer is no, I would reply with a disappointing way, 'Why???' while they yell 'how should I know?'. Jia Ling was the victim so was lihui and after that, I passed my day with happiness or would I say satisfaction.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I had learn that even some non-Christian knows more than us. Shocking how Danielle came up with this remark that sounded so true. That skinny girl had more brains than I thought but she is indeed the smart one. Don't get me wrong, I admit that she is really smart. She said that how dinosaurs exist before human. God created everything within 7 days and she said that within that 7 days it is like a million years on earth. I thought for awhile and realised that what she said was so true. Even Alice a Christian don't know about that. God created humans at the last day, so dinosaurs are animals and animals were created on the before humans. And it is also stated in the bible that
For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.--Psalm 90:4But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.--2 Peter 3:8
There are so many question that cannot be answered sometimes. Some believes that there is a God but why do they not believe in Jesus Christ? They said that God is supposed to be nice but why do the non-believers go to hell? That I do not know but I do think it is like a punishment. Since Adam and Eve disobey God, they ate from the tree of knowledge, causing them to know what is right and wrong. I think God allowed free-will to happen from the beginning that is why the tree of knowledge of good and evil is there in the first place. So with free will anyone can choose what they like to do but not everyone choose the right thing. Some are just ignorant people that is why I think hell exist. I don't know that is my theory, I just guess.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sleepover and Trade Fair Day

I had a sleepover on Friday, I didn't really get much sleep on Friday though. We were preparing for the Trade Fair which was on Saturday. We tried to planned our way of designing on Saturday but I think we didn't get much done. I took a picture of Alice while she was trying to dry her hair like a dog.

Alice pretending to sleep.

The Trade Fair Day, our outfit was a purple top and a high waist black skirt. I must say we looked really professional with that outfit and that 'DELTAH' word printed on our shirt.

Our stand. The stand that stands out the most.

Alice the druggie (just joking), taking her drug (which was the delicious fudge)

Everyone was not allow to eat at the stand so Alice was breaking the rules, eating at the stand but I don't think the judges notice because she was hiding under the table.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I miss Malaysia's english exam

Every time when there is an essay that my teacher assign me to do, I struggle really hard to finish it. I hate poems, what can I write about it? These are the questions the teacher gave us to do for the poems:
1. How was the language or the structure or style in the poems you have studied effective and why did this increase your understanding of the texts?
2. For each of the poems studied analyse how the author's use of language helped you more vividly understand an important idea.
3. For each of the poems studied analyse how the authors used constrast to help make the text more interesting.
Choose one from the above.
The first thing I did was whine. All of the above are so freaking hard, how am I suppose to answer them? It is so hard that I feel like writing 'I can't do all of the above, any other choices?', of course I am not that stupid, my teacher will just laugh at me. I got to get back and start thinking of ideas of how to continue my essay.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


There was a reliever in our class for biology, so we snuck out from our assign seats and into the seats beside our friend. Stacey the most annoying person for that day. But siting beside amy and stacey was pretty much fun. Anyway, there are some awesome conversation going on...awesome but insulting...
Amy is going to sit for a scholarship so that next year she can go to Japan and study.
Amy: I totally had the teacher man! She will give it to me.
Me: But if you go we can't graduate together.
Stacey: Oh I know we won't, you are going to fail and I am going to graduate.
Amy: LOL!
Yes, I got totally insulted there. Anyway, there was another one. Amy tries to hurt my feeling, 'Livia your english sucks, do you feel hurt?', shocked I turn to looked at her 'What? No, because I always know that my english is way...better than you'. Stacey turns 'Oh! She got you there!'.
Anyway, Abby seems to sound like the nanny since she lost her voice. Not exactly like the nanny but at some point when she said 'I know', it seems so totally a like.
Where the heck is the front cover of the book, I need it....Alice. My email is

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