Saturday, October 31, 2009


This is the fourth time I cut my brother hair and the first time he didnt complain. So I know that I have improved! Woohoo! NCEA is coming!!! But next week is my computer exam and I need to write a paragraph about my graphics work.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How does cried sounds like bright? No idea...But apparently my friend misinterpret what I said. Well, dont blame her, I got a really bad english accent. Even some of my malaysian friends misinterpret too. How bad is that? Probably if I havent taken up chinese I could spend more time learning how to speak proper english. But too bad, I have to take up chinese to communicate with my cousins and my grandparents. But it seems that I can't even understand what my grandpa is talking about. Words that come out from his mouth is 'Shi wu shi shh...'. Lots of Shhh.. so all I said was 'ah' and of course he looked at me as if I am a dumb person.
Anyway, 2 more weeks till ncea and next week is my computer exams. Really busy now.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It was such a shame because I didnt bring anything to share because it was Ellie's(dont know whether I got that right) birthday. Everyone, well, almost everyone brought something and I was eating my two buns. Alice always got scolded by G because we always fight. But G always saw alice hitting me so alice is the one that got scolded everytime. Muahahaha! Well, she drew on my leg which make my legs look like a dirty leg which haven't been wash for a few days. I sat at the corner during interval time and thank goodness they didnt see me until interval was over. Of course they were yelling at me. Well, I tried to read some chinese and realised I forgot most of it already. Bah! Who cares. I am not a language person, I am more of a sports type or maybe not. Alright, time to study..

Monday, October 26, 2009

Didn't have to go to school today so I studied science. Well, it is 3 more weeks till NCEA and it is not good. But got distracted halfway and played with my brother indoor sports. The indoor sports we played was basketball, soccer and cricket. We use tennis ball to play all the indoor sports and of course my brother won every match.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How did I know my friends?

The beast tugged on her bag tightly, afraid to move. She cowered in the corned while the beauties chatter away happily. She hunched at the dark corner, afraid to be notice and stare into space. The other beauties sway their golden hair under the sun. The beast felt uncomfortable with all the beauties around her, this story is about the beauties and the lonely, stupid beast.
'Go on squeeze in.' The old lady smiled. She asked and talked to the beast for sometime, asking question about where she was from. This is where the beast got a first good impression of this school. Although, the school feels like the school of beauties. 'Your english is really good, you might be able to do well'. The old lady praise the beast, flattered and shocked, the beast answered a simple thanks. The old lady waved her in to the hall, without wanting to disappoint the old lady, the beast squeeze in like a little rat. Later, the old lady introduced her to an asian. The beast felt comfortable about this girl and sat beside her. When this girl tried to speak to the beast, the beast can hardly understand her, so all she answered was a 'I don't know' and a nod. And when the beast speaks, the girl can't understand. The beast felt like a chicken talking to a duck.
Lets skip to graphics class...
Watching the empty back row, the beast grab a seat from that empty row. While the other beauties grab a seat further away from a beast. Trying to stay out of sight, the beast heard a shout 'Take care of her, she is new'. The beast didnt dare to turn since she was shy, but she was curious so she tried to figure it where the voice came from trying to take a look from the corner of the eyes. 'Hello' this friendly voice sound came from behind, knowing that this beauty is talking to her, the beast turn shyly. This beauty is different from the others, the sign of friendliness can be shown in her face. Two of them have an angelic smile on them while the blonde, beauty was staring at me with curiosity and interest with her big, blue eyes. Shy with this the beast answer with just one word and one syllable - 'Hi'
'My name is abby, this is terri and that is alice'
The beast tried to show her interest by smiling back but it turned out to be liked a scowled. Embarrassed by that kind of expression, the beast quickly turned away from them. Cursing herself for not making friends with them. Anyway, which beauty would want to make friend with a beast? Try to imagine a group of beauties waving and swaying their hair and body under the sun, and a beast with their hair tied up standing beside them. Instead of swaying gracefully and beautifully, the beast would sway clumsily ruining all the good moments. A sunny day would change to a thunderstorm.
March, a beautiful morning, until you meet beast. The beast was drawing and of course, the beast can't do anything beautiful or graceful. This blonde beauty came up and examine the beast work. 'It is good' she exclaimed. The beast was shocked, 'Is this some kind of remark that beauties say to insult people or it is to tease me?'. So, the beast denied thinking that this beauty would suddenly shout and exclaimed 'Yes of course it is ugly! You are a beast, what can you do? Ugly stuff!'. But instead of this insulting remark she said 'It is really good'. The beast denied and while the beauty praise. The beast eyed this beauty work and praise her instead, but instead of praising herself, she denied it just like the beast.
Anyway, after months of misery without friends, the beast suddenly ended up with them. Although the beast dont know why this beauties would want to befriend a beast, but all the beast knows is that this beauties have a kind heart.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My friends

At first they didn't want to take pictures, but end up posing at every shot.

Spy kids

Alice lunch box. Full of rubbish
Terri and Alice. Her tooth is stained with oreo

Shocked at whatever that is called

Dont know what is alice looking at

Alice the lost soul

This video is about how they try to speak chinese.
Well, they are good buddies. This blog is all full about my friends so tomorrow I will show you picture of the school.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I want to be a child again...
For then life would be full of fun, full of joy.
That was when I was innocent all the time. That was the time when I could just mix so well with people...Although we fight, we get back together the next day. Childhood time was fun and it went by too fast.
Now when we are old, every word, we have to be careful. All we do is, study, study, study...
And the sentence they love to ask a teenager is 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' or 'Have you thought about your future?'. Your negative thoughts are what you always think about your body or what people think about you.
I have created a question for myself when all I have are negative thoughts.
'What do you like or love..?'
I love it when people smile or laugh..with happiness.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The speech

Twenty or more pairs of eyes stared at me. They wait as I look around and fear arise. The fear I recognized, this fear would make me fumble with my words. My voice would changed when I talked. I awaited for my courage to come, but it never came.
'Come on, you can do did it in front of forty people before'
'They are different...'
The silence was killing me, I could hear my heart thumping. My chest felt like it is going to ripped apart and I would die at the spot.
'Imagine they were naked..' Mrs Ambrose said
What? That didn't really help, I can't imagine my friends naked. What help is the roar of laughter, I pushed myself to speak. 'Do it! Get over with it!'. As I open my mouth, my courage arose, I didn't fumble. It went on smoothly until the end. I pause...
'I think it is only 2 minutes...Let's just finish it alright..'
It ended up that it is 3 minutes and 15 seconds.
'See, it wasn't that bad..'
I heard teacher saying about how they should grateful of having such a good teacher like her.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I was thinking about going to sumner tomorrow. But my dad said 'go by bus', I was like okay..Realised I dont even know the way to sumner, I will be lost somewhere. Haha!
This is what my dad made during his job..

I was shock when Ellen said she know I called Abby. I thought she was stalking me or something. Abby is just like Alice when I first call her, well it was different since she talk. Alice was laughing on the phone for the whole time. Abby was laughing at something, boy she was loud! And Alice is real soft like a mouse, only through the phone of course. Not when I see her face to face. Haha!
It was scary when we went to art class during lunch time. When I went in there was heaps of people in there and they look at me like weirdly. As if like they were saying 'WTH is this asian doing with all the kiwis. Why isnt she with her asian friends'. And then I was left alone at the table so I started dreaming. What was I dreaming about? Anyway, I was pretty happy that some people like my speech. I spent hours on it rewriting again and again. Well it doesnt really matter about my essay, it is more like how I am going to deliver it on monday.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Malaysian Language

'Don't be silly, Livia' I realised I m always silly. I always have silly thoughts, even my friend in malaysia will quote that quote but in malaysian language like 'Dont be stupid la!'. When they say dont worry, they usually make it short and simple 'No la!'. Malaysian language are usually much more rough and simple.. like those english people would usually say 'Pardon me' or 'sorry'. Malaysian language are usually 'huh?'. Malaysian language always ends with a 'la' and 'lor' in every sentences. How Malaysian talk..
English : there
Malaysian : tuuu...
English: Where is it?
Malaysian: Where got?
English: Please dont drive in the middle.
Malaysian: Oi! Your grandfather own this road ah!?
English: Come here and I will show it to you.
Malaysian: Come! I show you!
Although Malaysian speak broken english, we Malaysian might still be better than you in english. It just take some time for us to get use to speak proper english without the la and ah and lor and so on.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I realised that I have been sitting with the leftovers in every class, except for graphics and computer. It is basically because I dont really know many people so I sat with the leftovers. It is funny how the leftovers stick together and become friends. But the only class that is different is my Graphics class. Of course there were no leftovers so i sat alone, but thank God that there are other people who will know how to give other people a chance so that they will not be any 'leftovers'. Example like the three talkative and kind hearted people talk to me. How did I get close to them? No idea... So next time, I will talk to the new people who felt lost and uncomfortable. But the problem is everytime I want to say something, my mind goes blank. Sigh..I dont think I m that social like the others.
Poor Alice got a migraine, I dont know what it is like but I heard that vision goes blur and they can only see one part. It is just like the other part of the brain had totally shut down. Abby beats everyone in arm wrestling. That small kid really have muscles in a small body. I will not lose to her so I am going to build up my muscles.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Alice and Ellen, trying to fool me? I dont think so. The mistake that they made, 1. Mum dont go all psycho like how they act. 2. Kept changing names 3. I recognise Alice voice. They freak out when I wanted to pass the phone to my dad. It was hilarious how they shut the phone down real fast. I know that Alice acted as Ellen's mum, she put on her acting voice which it is quite similar to the voice at the play. She acted as a grumpy teacher.
I played badminton today, my partner, Stacey. She kept moving to the side of the court, so I have to cover most of the court. Tried to pull her back in to the center, she end up at the side again. Well, she played pretty well though.
Well, I was doodling on the board with G today. Then we got busted when one teacher came in, well, not really that afraid of her since you will never get into trouble like how we get into trouble in Malaysia. Of course, the most they can do is warn you. Oh, Abby, Alice, Danielle and G were talking about something. I wasnt really listening because I was daydreaming. But stop daydreaming when G pushed me, didn't really hear what she was saying because I shut myself down when I daydream. And they were laughing at me at something, dont really know what was it but saw some hand gesture at how I folded my arms. I played with Alice some hand slapping game and my left hand end up to have some bruise. Well, probably because I have been playing it for quite some time. Played three times with Alice then with Isha during maths class.
I was amazed at how Isha can come up with an excuse real fast. When I was playing the hand slapping game with Isha, Mrs Smith saw us and ask us what we were doing. As we were learning probability, Isha said that we are learning the probabilty by playing hand slapping game. Well, of course she didnt buy it so we stop it.
Well time to do my speech.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yesterday, I went to Fat Eddies to have my dinner. Celebration for debbie's 20th birthday. Someone is getting old, haha! We ordered like 8 something and the meal arrived at 9 something, that's why I dont feel that hungry anymore. But ate the chicken burger I ordered anyway. It cost 12 dollars! It is quite reasonable though, because it comes with fries. Felt really full after that, but thank goodness I dont have any PE today or I will be dragging myself on the ground. Anyway, I had half an apple today with milk for breakfast, didnt really felt that full.
Today...I played with Alice the game where you slap each others hand. Well, we whack each other hand not even bothering about the rules. Just slap as hard as you can, so we ended having red hands and sore hands. Well, dont know about Alice but my hand was fine when maths started. She might have to put ice on her hand, hahaha...nah she is a tough one. She even knee me in the thigh. Hurts like chilli (no other better words to describe)! But it is fine now, I will probably elbow her in the stomach. Nah, that is too mean. Wont do that, too rough.
I got my 4 credits from graphics. Well, I am satisfied as long as I get my credit. I think that my friends should get higher marks since their desk it so good and they spend so many time in it. But sad they didnt, oh well, what can I do.
I plan to do the 'Daniel's Fast'. This is a fast where you cannot eat any meat but you can drink and eat vegetables and fruits only. I bet vegetarian people would be please to hear that.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What a waste of money and time!

Title had said it, I have been wasting my money because of my brother, Marcus. He is so freaking scared that his credit will finish so fast, so he ask me to text Debbie like heaps of time. He has like 8 dollars and above and my money when down from 20 dollars to 16 dollars. I just top up like 2 weeks ago. Waste of time was when he kept asking me to text Debbie about whether I can get into Fat Eddies, sol square. And I realised I should ask someone who have been to fat eddies before and who have been living here for years. So I asked Alice, well she came to my mind because she seems to hang out with her friends like heaps of time so I thought she might have been to that place. But nope, anyway she asked her mum and she said yes i could get in with a guardian. Well, lets just hope that I get in or else I will be freezing out in the cold while the old peeps goes in.
I have finish my speech, I wonder whether it can last me for 2 minutes. Probably not but I will try to speak slowly and pause for like a few second pretending to think. That would be just fine for my speech to last for 2 minutes. Back to school tomorrow, and I promise Alice that i would sit with her group.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh gosh, I tried to write my speech and it all ended up like crap. Speech just last for 2 minutes, so I thought that I should be writing about my former teachers instead of my former school since it is shorter. Don't know what I should add, so Malaysian friends of mine, please help me and add any comment you think about your teacher.
I know that some are like to boast about how they are so hardworking when they are young. Also I added that some teacher pick her nose in front of the whole class. Oh yes, and some cranky teacher that looks like she will blow up anytime (those teacher might be having their period on that day). Teachers that are lazy that will sit down and teach us and how she sets homework for us and check it 6 months later. So many negative stuff, I wonder whether I can come up with the positive side. Hm! Maybe not, the negative stuff seems much more fun to speak. Lol!
I have been studying chemistry. I love playing metal gear solid 3, it is like the best game. This stealth action game is like the best game in the whole world..I guess. But I love playing it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Gravity Camp

Gravity camp was awesome but didnt make any friends. They dont have anything like mixing around so everyone was sticking to the person they knew already. We played mini golf, which I hit too hard and lost my ball. Well, my friend helped me find my ball at the end. The first day of camp was when I met Rachael, she was same age like me but in year 12. Smart people... And three people is only in my bunk room. Rachael, me and Tanya, so it was pretty much peaceful but I didnt get much sleep. I think my mind was too excited about the next day.
Next day, woke up, ate our breakfast and then praise God again. Learned that we should love him with all our hearts and our hearts should be open to him. Also learnt that he is the love that we been dreaming off for a long, long time. Then we had some events, which I chose song writing, and learn how to write songs. Then got lost and didnt go to the second option, drama. So went to play UNO with Evelyn. Won twice, woohoo! Later, at night I learn that we should touch God instead of bumping into him. Then, Craig (the speaker) prayed for all the leaders, one by one and then the leaders went to prayed for the others. I went to sit down because my legs sort of like hurt standing too much. Later, we prayed for other people to be healed. I dont know what to do so I sat down again but Evelyn chased me out of my seat and ask me to pray for someone. So I went to pray for one lady. Then some people was healed by prayers which is a miracle. After the meeting we had disco which me and some of my friends didnt go there but we played UNO again and eating chips together. Played till 2am then went to bed. I woke up at 7am because Debbie was snoring away, and at 8 everyone was like awake so they were like running and screaming outside so can't sleep again.
It was fun, glad I went and it did help me to know God more and took away my boring holidays away.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I m going to Gravity Camp tomorrow.