Friday, July 31, 2009

It is Thursday..

Today is Thursday already, the day seems to pass pretty quickly. My exams are coming soon, week 6. Isha and I talk about stupid suicide bombers. She said that their God would never be happy with what they have done. She also told me that somewhere in India she was lucky she didnt go to some buildings because the terrorist somehow killed millons of people. First period was english, Stacey and I did some english assignment. At the last minute we guess the other answer. I have a feeling it is all wrong. Anyway science was about velocity. v=d/t. Did some work on that and got all right. Woohoo! Anyway, Olivia kept singing some German song. It sounded really weird as she bounce happily in her sit and sang. Computer, I was rushing like mad on my project. I was like far behind on it. I came home and did some of it, after counting my page, it was only 10 or more pages. It won't be enough, but I sketch some of the brochures to make it thicker.
Graphics I did some of my research on the workstation. But mostly listen to the teachers tale. She, Miss Kemp,talk about Africa, her hometown (shocked). She doesnt even look like an African. She was saying about people being rape on the street and babies missing. She also told us about how she slept with a gun under her pillow. We were like 'Whoa, you are so cool miss'. LOL!
Anyway, maths was boring. Nicole was really slow as she paste her graph one by one. I was waiting for her maths answer. Amy was pleading people to come to her fundraising thingy, she even threaten me... Teacher was really slow in everything, Nicole was like raising up her hand for 15 minutes and she just turn and entertain others first. Mrs Smith came to us at the last five minutes. The most hilarious part of Maths is when Isha dances like Michael Jackson. She was like dancing the way Michael dance and also she sang out loud. Everyone was like watching her, she was really good. Everyone cheer and clap after she finish, it was really fun.
When I came back Casper was waiting by the door for who knows who. Played with him for a while and he rush upstairs. He is like a big white fluffy ball and runs like a white rabbit.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tiring day.

It is really tiring. First period was PE and the field was freezing cold. I wont type much today so, moving on to after school. I had my badminton game and we played against St Margrets, if i m not mistaken. I won, everyone won. Soon Yie went to play the piano and of course, I had never played the piano ended up accumulating everything. Muahahaha. Natalia was shouting nonsense when I was playing badminton. She was trying to be a commentator, cheerleader and a coach. ' Ohh...and she serve, she got the ball!', 'That is not good enough Livia.', the quote that make me lose concentration, 'L-i-v-i-a Go...LIVIA!'. Then Natalia got pissed when I agreed with Fleur that Natalia is much more mean than her. Of course I have to comfort her and she got happy because I said one of her 'boyfriends' name sound like cow dung. Anyway, after badminton I got to hurry to get a shower and my whole family left to watch my brother play rugby. It was such a waste of time. He did not even showed up until the last 5 to 10 minutes. The game was boring as riccarton kept scoring and middleton like a little coward mouse dont even dare to tackle them. The score was 21-3 Riccarton won. Went and eat Mcdonald, I got a mc-chicken for my dinner. Ate half of the apple pie. And that's all, I need to finish my english homework.

Pleasant day for me.

First period was maths and it was boring. Felt like sleeping in Mrs Smith class. Graphics, we started a new assignment. We are suppose to make a table. I dont know how to make one miniature one.
PE was fun, we won! 3-1, suppose to get Jordan hatrick, but failed. I scored one goal, that is a good thing, but the bad thing is that I slip and fell. I sort of hurt my coccyx vetebra. Zahara was like Shame! Found out that her team was versing Burnside, told her that she would surely lose to burnside cause they were good. Got scolded by her and she complain everything to Ellen. Anyway, lunch was silly. It all started when i asked what did they do on their free time.
Tamine : Oh i visit stacey. Everyday.
Stacey : Yeah we live like 2 blocks away.
Me : Ohhh....
Stacey : Yeah my siblings always hang out with her siblings. We love each other.
Me : Are you saying that...Tamine sister is dating your brother?
Stacey : Yes and he loves her very much.
Me : Oh wow, so it goes like her sister dates your brother, you date Tamine, and Tamine's younger brother dates your younger sister.
Stacey : Oh yes (thinks for awhile) wow...
Tamine : We see each other 24 hours.
Me : So you guys are married?
Tamine : Yes.
Me : Oh...secretly or sign with a contract.
Tamine : Sign.
Me : So where do you guys meet?
Stacey : In the house.
Chelsy (helps them to answer) : Sometimes at the bush.
Me : At the bush!?
Stacey : Oh what?
Tamine obviously was laughing like mad with the others. And i kept throwing all types of question to them. They said they were going to marry again when they are eighteen at Italy. Ask them are they going to have a baby, they said they will adopt. Pretty silly of them. Well, Charlotte is back from the sick bay and she is so excited about her birthday at 8th of August. Hmm... I must try to remember. She is turning 16, she makes me feel old...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What I did today...

Study, that is what i did today. But not all the time, of course i daydream sometimes. Well I finish my graphics today and hand it in today, no more work for graphics! Well i bet one will be coming tomorrow. Anyway, I got my science paper back today. Well, I wasnt really nervous about the test mark, unlike in malaysia, shaking like a leaf. I got merit for physics, dang! One mark off to excellent, I was pretty gutted.
Morning tea was nothing much, went to the form room again. Badminton practice was cancel. Wouldnt blame the teacher, only 2 person show up. Natalia got her calf muscle injured yesterday for playing hockey. She said she will be fine on Wednesday, I was like wow, incredible, your injuries can be healed before the game. So i went for lunch with my mates. Well, Tamine got tired and put her leg up on the table stand (dont know what it is called), so I question her.
Me : Why do u put your leg up?
Tamine : I am tired because....
Me : Oh I thought you are pregnant. (jokingly)
Tamine : Doesnt mean I am fat means I am pregnant.
Me : No I didnt say you are fat, it is just that pregnant ladies put their legs up.
Tamine : Oh, yes I am pregnant.
Me : Wow! Who is your husband?
Tamine : Uhh..I dont know.
Me : You dont know? How many men have you slept with?
Tamine : Ten.
Me : Incredible.
Tamine : Shut up Livia, you ruin my day.
Well, everyone laugh like mad. Then, she started picking on me. Stacey, well she is pretty smart though.
Me : Why chick?
Stacey : That is what boys call girls.
Me : Oh, then what do you call a chicken baby?
Stacey : End of conversation.
During english class, we were suppose to write an essay about the movie we have watch. The verbal and the visual, well, I work with stacey together. We just laugh at each others spelling. I was the one who laugh at her the most. She spell fly-fligh, how can that not be hilarious? She told me that she is only good at memorising numbers, she told me she could memorise her mum's credit card number and other stuff. But not peoples cellphone number, she thinks that it is not important. PE class was alright, Zahara told me that the graphics calculator was found. YAY! Anyway, Zahara told me that someone handed in the office saying that she felt guilty. Well good for you to hand it in, but you shouldnt steal it in the first place. Go get your own graphics calculator if you want one.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Finish my Graphics!!!(almost)

As you can see I have finish my graphics. At last, well not all I have not finish one small part of it which is final evaluation. Hope the next project will be much more interesting.
I went to church today. Nothing much today. Still laughing over the matter that Isha thinks that an alien stole the calculator. Speaking of this, we will get lock up in the classroom during morning tea tomorrow. Boring. Today is pretty much boring, nothing much to blog about.

Saturday is the best day.

Yes, saturday is the best day. Well I woke up at eight but dozed off again and woke up at nine something. Of course didnt jump out of the bed straight away, too cold, just lie down and think. And realised that I forgot that my green elephant was not added to the package. Anyway I just lied there lazily and at quarter to ten I got up. Went to add my green elephant into the package.
Well about last night, went to a youth meeting. Evelyn, the youth leader, she is really weird. Well she laugh by herself, I dont get her really. Laughing all by herself...weird. I told her that I am going to write about her in the blog. She started saying all the bad things about herself, so she is the one who gave me the idea to blog about her. She said that she laugh for no reason and bla bla bla. Dont remember. I have a feeling that she complained too much about her job to her mum that her mum got fed up and ask her to choose another job. Another girl called Debbie, Debra or whatever, heaps of name she got. Some sort of stalker I guess, dont remember giving my cellphone number to her and she got it. Taking picture of everyone like a spy.
Anyway they talk about ice skating, too lazy and no money to go. Of course got force to go. Came up with all types of random ideas to avoid the ice skating and of course doesnt work at all. Well depends on my brother no transport no ice skating and YAY! Hit the shuttlecock up the roof. Sigh...My serving sucks. Got to practice more. Got to colour my package, I hate colouring.
Went to see our future house, it was awesome. I like it, it looks nice though.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What a day

Today was really terrible. During form time Miss lynch told us that Jade's graphics calculator was missing and suspect that it is definitely from our class. Zahara said that she put it on the table and suddenly it just gone missing. Everyone thinks it is someone behind who stole it. Miss Lynch said that we were to be back during morning tea.
Before I had my science test, Zahara asked me to stick up for her because people kept accusing her. So I agreed to help her if I could. So I sat for my science test, last two part was confusing. Anyway it went well. Morning tea everyone got back to class and just sat there. Everyone just kept talking and Miss Lynch got mad. She said 'If you guys just sit there and chatter happily this will keep continuing until they find the graphic calculator. This aint getting us anywhere if you guys isnt helping, I want you guys to help to find that calculator. I dont care what you do I just want the damn calculator. Come back here during lunch time.' Harsh words...but she was really mad, what else can we do?
Well I got late to graphics class because of the hold up. I am almost finish with my work, Terri basically got the teacher to help her with all her work. Well during lunch time, we got back to class again. Isha was hilarious, 'Hey I will become the detective. Using my nose to sniff out the calculator.'. And she really sniff around the class with her nose, she said 'I wish I was a dog.' Eventually Nicole joined in, she search the rubbish bin. They got up with the solution that maybe the teacher got it. But sadly she didnt. So Nicole came up with a plan that the whole class pay $3.50. Sigh, so gutted at that. Nicole Dench(another nicole)said that she can buy heaps of lollies with that money, but she will pay it anyhow.
I rush off to graphics after that, to get my work photocopied. Abby was studying her science in class. Ask for some tips, I told her to ask Danielle because she is smarter than me. I then took out my CIM homework book.
Terri : I want to do it.
Me : Here..
Terri : What is singular and plural?
I was shocked by her answer, I explain to her anyway.
Terri : Loaf?
Me : Loaves.
Terri : OMG, you are better than me in english.
Anyway stuck at one answer, what is singular for salmon?
Maths time I chatted with Angela and Isha about hairs and other stuff. Meet Stacey at the hallway, she laughed at me for having to pay $3.50 for the calculator. I told her that she can pay for me and she rushed off to her class. Smart.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bad day

Today was pretty much interesting. I asked stacey about her soccer during english class, whether she won or lost. She lost, sad...Anyway she was like talking all about how she kick a girl leg because she got mad at her for stepping on her foot. That was pretty silly. I told her about how we won and all she answer was 'Whatever'.

Morning tea was pretty interesting, Tamine thought that I gave her an evil eye look which i did not.

Tamine : Why are you giving an evil eye look.

Me : What? No I did not.

Tamine : Yes you did and you look at my yogurt.

Me : Oh, because Olivia mandarin splurt some juice....

Tamine : Oh now you are blaming Olivia.

Me : What?

Olivia : What did my mandarin do, it didnt do anything to you.

Me : No...

And it went on and on, she kept accusing me that I gave an evil eye look at her mandarin. Serene didnt do it because she sort of chicken out. She thinks that the others would never forgive her because she lied.

Lunch time was fun, we were laughing two seconds ago and Tamine will just keep saying 'I'm bored'. I told a joke, Stacey became the victim. Chelsy came out with another joke, 'What is blonde, thick and empty?' 'What?' 'Stacey!'. Everyone start laughing except for Stacey. 'What I dont get it?' Stacey as clueless as ever, Tamine got to explain to her. She is really slow.

Graphics class, the first time I work so hard. I told Terri that I will help her out if I finish my graphics. Abby kept pestering me to tell her what I wrote in my blog.

Abby : Come on tell me.

Me : Fine I wrote that you are noisy.

Abby : That's not very nice.

Me : You won't understand.

Abby : Did you say that I m not understanding?

Me : No...

Anyway, Alice got some dirty tissue with water on it. Dont know where she got it from. She kept wiping it on my table and then she wipe it on my hand. Maths was boring, drawing graph, I was playing with my calculator most of the time. Sometime I just watch Angela as she play with Nicole's calculator. Before class started, Zahara put a marker pen near my face which I didn't notice. She called my name and I turn to look at her and got marker all over my face. She was really terrible. She kept disturbing Denise, poor her. Got to redo my graphics...Sigh.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Badminton game.

In the morning, I played soccer in PE. During lunch time, we talked about trees. It was really silly, we compared a tree with another tree. Stacey and Tamine came up with plan to have a joke with the group. So when they all left, Stacey and Tamine told Serene to act as an engaged girl. As if she was getting engaged to someone. I joined in and we started to have a plan, we plan about the boy name and age and stuff like why she get upset. I bet tomorrow will be hilarious looking at their faces.
Well, I had health class. Someone name Olivia taught us about relationship and stuff like that. I tried to understand, she was saying all kind of names out and I was as clueless as a dog being trained by its master. Anyway, after school I had my badminton match. Steffi wasnt here so Fleur took over. She is really good, she just learnt to play this year. We versus STAC (dont know what school is that). I won 21-4. Well, we all won, so pretty happy. Actually, we havent lose any match. Lol! Won every single match, except for Steffi. Natalia (some pretty girl who thinks that she is ugly) was 24 hours on her cellphone. She played halfway and ran around the court because someone text her. I have a feeling she can't live without her cellphone. Her favourite quote 'Do you hate me?' 'You hate me ae?'. I told her heaps of time that I dont hate her and she just kept asking the same question. Natalia told me her badminton shirt was number eleven, I said 'So?'. She storms off, I looked at Fleur 'Did I say something wrong?' She just shrug ' I dont know.'. And after that, Natalia turned and pointed at me smiling, I just looked at her and realised she was just joking. Some kind of actress she is. There is one time...
Me : The ball...
Natalia : Why do you keep calling it the ball??
Me : Fine, shuttlecock and you like calling it cock.
Natalia : Yes I like cock.
Me : What?
She just laugh crazily and continue umpiring. Soon Yie is one kind of bossy chick, just because she got the post as a captain for a day. She told me to hit it high, dont smash. I forgot and I smash the girl and Soon Yie shouted 'GILA!'
Natalia and Fleur was like 'What?'. Anyway, I got to rush on my graphics.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Home just don't feel like home anymore.

School was really good. Isha and I chatted about badminton again, and this time we planned to play together in the gym. Well first period, Maths, boring. Anyway graphics class was alright. I chatted with my mates while i did my homework. Alice was one weird girl, she makes weird sounds. Sounds she made was disturbing one. Two beautiful ladies, although they look like one but they dont act like one, Terri and Abby chatters happily behind the back. Alice and I have some silly talks. I wouldnt call it talking though. We were actually praising each others work and denying each others praises.
Anyway, PE class today was theory and it was dead boring. Well not as boring as Maths. Almost slept in Maths class. Lunch time was fun, I taught my mates how to speak chinese.
Me : wo de min jiao Olivia.
Olivia : womingciao Olivia.
Me: What???
Olivia : *repeat what she said.
Me : No, it is wo DE min JIAO.
Olivia : Ciao? Z-out?
* they pronouce Z as zee (cant really explain)
Well she got it right at the end, after a long, long time. Stacey who was working on her German turns and looked at us.
Stacey : Mandarin?
Me : Yes.
Stacey : Xie xie!
I nodded softly, Stacey just threw her hand high up in the air and said 'Woohoo! I still remember!'. Everyone was like '?' She proudly said that she learnt chinese when she was at her seven grade. Olivia asked whether she can say a sentence, Stacey shook her head.
Olivia : SHAME! I can say some.
Olivia wrote some jap. for me to read. I then wrote some for her. Okay, moving along...
Home wasn't home. Going home is just to meet two quarrelsome dude. Every girls would agree with me that boys eat too much. If you open something delicious, in just a few secs, that thing will be gone because boys eat too much. Well my brother said I ate too much, I was like 'What?? You eat more than me.' One small little cake was on the table. I told them to leave for dad. Of course they started this fight over a small little cake. My brother said that he havent eaten any (obviously it was a lie because in the morning after dad left, there were 2 big slices of cake).
Me : But I saw two big slices of cake after dad left.
Bro : I ate one when I came back.
Me : I thought you said you didnt eat any.
I lost of course, so he ate the whole thing. I just eat my biscuit in silence, he looked at me with his unhappy eyes and grab some biscuit for himself. I looked at the plate filled with beehoon in his hand. I just shut my mouth and walk away, I always lose anyway. So, from now onwards I plan not to eat a single thing except for lunch and breakfast so that he will have nothing against me. Need to lose some weight anyway.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hectic day

Planning not to type that much anymore. Basically, I type a whole lots of words in this 'Hectic Day' and the internet was down and my whole message was gone. Silly internet!
Well this morning my alarm rang at 6.30am, I switch it off and dozed off again. I woke up by myself at 6.45 am, amazingly, and got out from my warm and cosy bed. Fumbled through the darkness to find the switch. I squint my eyes as the lights goes on, to avoid the torturing cold air, I changed into my uniform quickly. I went to the bathroom and get myself prepared. I had toast and milk, my everyday breakfast.
First period was graphics, I am far behind on my work but still chat with my mates. After realising it was due end of this week, I grab a pencil and sketched a package on my book.
Next was CIM, exam time...basically copy the text from the previous work i have done and just change some things. Morning tea was normal, we chatted about our holidays and I realised stacey got a childish lunch box so I started teasing her.
Moving on to lunch break, I went for my badminton practice. Soon Yie ran around the court chasing after the ball while Steffie was just jumping the opposite way where the ball went and pretending that she got the ball. Natalia was trying to teach me how to serve the different way. Was a total failure, I end up hitting the ball everywhere. English was up next, we watch 'The castle'. It was suppose to be a comedy movie but no one laugh at all. Everyone watch in silence and at the end they think it was silly. Aussie's movie just aint for New Zealanders.
PE was the most tiring period. My team the 'yellow mellow' against the blue team. Seven against eleven. Wasnt really fair was it? It wasnt to me, they scored two goals and so...
Miss: They only got 7 players.
Blue : Oh real?
Miss: Anyone wants to move over there?
Blue : Nah!
Haylie (not sure how to spell her name) : Livia is equivalent to three players and Stacey...
Blue : YEAH!
I was like 'Oh what!? ME???Although I am equivalent to three my stamina is equivalent to one. I cant run up and down the whole field.'
End up playing the same. So we lost 2-0. Gave up being striker, whats the point of being a striker if u cant get pass 5 defenders. So end up being a defender. I got tired after 5 mins. So I just stood at a side.
I came home and got a nice hot shower. Didnt want to get out the shower at first. Oh well, I got to do my graphics and research some restaurant brochures for the CIM exams.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I learnt a new recipe today :D. Yeah!
Cook tomato sauce in low fire. That was easy, I then cut 2 onions, cutting the first onions was really slow. I kept sobbing and tears kept coming out my eyes. My eyes were sore and too teary that i cant see a thing. I hate cutting onions. The second onions was weird when i cut it, i kept an arm length distance away from the onions to stop the tears. Well it works though. Jeremy cut and peel the potatoes. He boiled it then. Smash some bread up using my hand and throw in the onions and the meat in. Then i put some salt, pepper, chicken salt and garlic salt. Make it round like a ball, fry it just to make the outer side cook and put it in the oven. Finally the meatball is ready to be serve. My stomach kept rumbling when i was frying it. The smell was awesome. It really smelt good. The meal was delicious. The sauce was sweet and the meatball was mouth-watering. The smash potato with garlic salt was good too. It was really good. I will cook meatball again, someday.
Tomorrow is school day, I will go for the badminton practice and hope that my mates will be there or i will be practicing alone again. I hope PE will be practical and not theory. It is really fun to play soccer although the weather is freezing.

Just another day

Today I went to church. Childrens doing action 'God is our superhero'-song. Later they asked everyone to do it, I m the only one who stood there with the hands cross and watch the grown-ups doing the action. Well not really only me, some people didnt do it too. Just too shy to do the actions. They were really adorable.
Came home grab some brownies to eat, it is real yummy :D. Anyway, I practice on my badminton skills. Learning a new serve which i really suck at it. I tell u i am really terrible at it. I kept missing the shuttlecock which my mates called it 'cock'. Some naughty mates i got here. I rang Jia Ling yesterday and got some news update about Malaysia and my mates there. Heard that their band is popular, good for them. I also heard that Andrea is sick, will pray for her and hopes she get well soon.
I played some rugby with my brother just now. Kicking the ball and chasing after it. I gain some weight :( and some muscle :D.Tomorrow is school day, yay....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Boring and frustrating day

Internet was down again cause someone called. It is really frustrating. Now i cant even sign in to my msn, kept trying and trying and i gave up. Connections isnt good, cant even text my mates. Only if i go to some certain areas like my room or outside of the house.
School holidays is going to end soon. Next week is the first week of term 3. Sigh, heaps of exam will be coming up. Not that i study much, but i like science. It is an interesting subject, bio, chem and physics. Real interesting. I havent been doing much lately, just working on my graphics design which i m stuck at one part and just cant continue. Most of the time i m on the internet. But nobody seems to be online. :(
Well there is one thing good about today, I m going to eat pie for lunch and it is yummy. I am really stuck at my graphics...someone..HELP! Yesterday i was chatting with Darshna, talking about her cheerleading pictures. Glad that some people in malaysia are actually interested in soccer. But teachers there are hopeless, they get your hopes up and slowly crush it to the ground. That's what happen to me last year. Going to the teacher for help is really pointless. They really should let the student try it out. Nevermind about it, it is a small school.
My second brother is really annoying. Whatever i do he wants to know. Even when i am typing right now he is watching me. Everything i do he just want to know. Everytime i got to chase him away but he ends up coming back and reading everything i type to my mates and read everything i have in facebook, plurk, friendster. He really should be doing something useful than checking out my stuff. I really need some privacy. If he dont even let me see whatever he does, why must I? Sometimes he even knows my password that he just logs in and check every single stuff that i have. Why cant he just study or do something useful? People needs privacy so if u are reading this stop irritating and annoying me. I need my own privacy.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The other part of today

Just complete the first part of design development and I went online. I really should be working on it, seriously. But my laziness just took over me. Internet connection is really slow. I hate the connections over here. Once somebody uses the phone, internet connection is down. Had been repeating again and again. But I seems to be patient about it. Patient when it comes to this but not patient when it comes to other stuff. I got a really bad attitude, I should change.
There is so many things happening in Malaysia, so many things that I want to know. But sad, my malaysian mates arent going to the net often. Facebook is the only updates I can get about them. Heaps of them seems to be on a relationship already. They all r just too young to date. Well too young for me. I mean what is the point of having a relationship when u r not going to be serious about it. Well some are, but most of them arent really that serious. Even my mates in New Zealand kept whinning about getting a boyfriend.
I hate the current house I am living now. It is so old and lots of leakage everywhere, some people likes it but not me. Sorry to the owner of the house. Hope she doesnt read this post. Forgot to off the electric blanket today :D. Power bills with be soaring high because on me. Haha. It is 15 degrees today. When will it snow?!

Thinking about the past and wondering about the future.

Today I woke up at 4 in the morning. It was so early. I turned and tossed around my bed trying to get to sleep. I gave up later on knowing that it wouldnt help, the electric blanket was on to number 1 :P. It was really cosy. My reluctants to get out of the bed was so great that i just lie there thinking. Looking at my room suddenly remind me of my old room. My small cosy room. The childish light blue drapes with ducks decorated in the vertical way, hung over the window. Come to think of it, everything is childish in my room. The red and blue cupboards, the green tables and green walls. The green fan that was place beside my bed usually blows directly onto my face. Probably thats the reason i always got a cold in the morning. The ray of the sun always shines through my one and only window. It always light up the room with the warm, golden glow. Yes, thats was my room, my childish room.
Looking at my present room, my grown-up room. Drawings and notes was clip onto my notice board with a big calender as a reminder for all events especially my exams. A computer on a white, squarish table. A heater (which i never use) is place beside it. Wires dangling everywhere. Sigh, the only thing that is cosy is my bed when it is heated up. My room is fill with the cold air. Waiting to torture me every morning.I wonder what am I going to be in the future, a jobless woman? (Not going to happen I hope) or a person with a wonderful job. (hope i could work with animals.) Married or single? (Dont really care about that yet). Average or wealthy? (Not going to put poor, because everyone starts off as a poor lad). But I dont plan to worry about those things yet because in Pr 23:18 says
there is surely a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off.
And it stated in Matthew 6:25-27 about not to worry. So God has a way for all of us. He will be the one who holds my future.
It is time to do my graphics again. It is Friday. I am still stuck at the same page.

Friday, July 17, 2009

My second blog

This is actually my second blog. First blog has gone down the drain. Not really down the drain but just disappear cause i wasnt really serious about it. Now it depends. I choose to blog because my teacher (Miss Ambrose) said that I need to work hard on my proofreading so that quality writing is not spoilt by careless errors. It was really such a shame.
Today been rushing on my graphics. I am only up to design development and I got so many more to go. Lets see final, model, 2 concepts of package, design development, final and model. It is due on Tuesday, my work is terrible so might not get any credits for this design. So far work for graphics has been alright. Got 8 credits for graphics. Pretty glad about that. My mates can write a whole lot of sensible words which is up to one page. I did a whole lot of rubbish and only got two lines for the whole design. Shame on me.

Stacey did a great job in making me jealous yesterday. She been boasting about how she made a snow angel in Oetematata (dont know where and dont know how to spell it). She told me that the snow level was up to knee length and it was freezing. Thanks a lot for remembering me during the snow day, stacey, you ruin my holidays mood. I have been waiting for snow to come pouring down since winter starts.
It is Thursday already and i dont really want this term three holidays to end. It is relaxing (which is really what i do always) and fun (because there is no homework except for graphics). Sigh! Days pass by real fast.