Monday, September 28, 2009

Livers are disgusting. How can people stand eating them? Oh yeah, and how can vegetarians survive in a jungle? Stupid questions, I know...I m bored what else can I do? When I am bored I think of silly question.
Holidays are getting boring and I need help with my speech.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Awesome play but uncomfortable seat

I went to a play last night. It was good, the girls were awesome. Alice was acting as a grumpy teacher, and her clothes were sort of too big for her. Everytime she comes in eveyone will laugh, not because of the way she act. But because she was really awesome and how she dresses and tie her hair up just exactly like an grumpy, old teacher. Anyway, G was awesome too, she can remember heaps of line, pretty smart girl. I think I fumble and forget my lines if I was the one. Both of them were great and I believe they should pass with flying colours. What I hate about the play is the seats. Oh terrible seats. I didnt have a comfortable time, it lasted for about an hour sitting there, trying to squeeze in and out of my seat. I was sitting there, enjoying my time until a big man sit beside me. Then a girl sit on my other side, but she was fine because she was at least slim and skinny. And I think I heard some farting noises in the drama room but who cares. Oh yeah, and before the play I heard some one yelling behind the curtain 'Where is my chicken!?'. Probably not that sentence but I heard something like that.
I pass my PE test, so happy! I get an extra 4 credits now. Woohoo! I think I would love to hang out with friends during the hols. Since I got nothing to do except for watching TV and use the computer.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Actually it is hard to imagine my friends getting married and becoming some awesome mum. Well, some of my friends proved that they are really good with childrens. Alice seems really good with Mrs Kemp son. She knows how to communincate with kids really well, and of course by that she can be a good mum. G can be some good mum too. Well, by their attitude you know that they can be a real good mum. Abby, uhh...might be a failure becoming mum.
Blog might be on hiatus for days because of the coming holiday. There is nothing to blog about on holidays, holidays are boring. But I plan to enjoy it by playing badminton and I might go and visit Isha, if I have the permission to do so. I would love to see Alice pets too, but nah, she is all talk. Whatever she says she wont do it. Except for her graphics work, she is always serious when she is doing her work.
I have learnt one thing, accept others because of who they are as the Lord has accepted you. I learnt about this thing when I was praying. So I have to accept others.
Well although my blog is on hiatus I might still write a sentence of stuff like my motive. My motive today is sleeping.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My PE class argued about some sports that they want to play. They want to play water sports and they want to play other things other than badminton. Well, I hope that they just stick to the same sports. So many sports choices and they kept adding more and more choices into it. Whatever suits me fine, but i can't swim so I dont like to go swimming. Badminton is fine, but if people play reluctantly and there is no fun in it, then might as well we dont play. Badminton is a real physical sport. Your fitness must be good, timing, good footworks,skills and good placement. Wrist muscles must be tough to if not you will get smash like mad. Graphics was a great disappointment. I spend most of my time just to get the whole thing right. All over from the start.
Alice can be quite silly sometimes. I told her that she is a white and white reflects heat, that's why I always feel hot beside her. She believed me...
Ellen spoil the toilet hand dryer, lol, she just want to take it up just to make me wait for a long, long time. And she ended up spoiling it, oh what a crazy girl.
Anyway, this are some lame jokes I have gathered..
The teacher was trying to proved Christianity wrong so she said, 'A whale could not swallow a human up.' The little girl who's a christian argued back, 'No, the whale swallow Jonah up.'
Teacher : No, that is wrong.
Girl : Okay, then when I go to heaven I will ask Jonah.
Teacher : What if Jonah didn't go to heaven, what if he went to hell.
Girl : Then you ask him for me
Another lame joke,
A man prayed saying ' Jesus, would you please give me a car as my birthday present.'
And when his birthday came he didn't get a car. So he went to church and took Mary's statue back home. And he prayed again saying, 'Jesus, look I have kidnapped your mum so you better give me a car.'

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

About IJC

Dont you hate it when you make one mistake and you have to do it all over again? I hate it so much, you got to redraw the lines and redraw the whole desk. Sigh...That is my graphics assignment. So glad I m not taking graphics next year, gah! Can't handle the stress. But I will be facing a bigger problem next year, i m taking maths and three science subject, pretty much a non relaxing year for me next year. Anyway I dont want to talk about that now. I shall talk about IJC my old school.
Old school is really old. Buildings are like real old and they dont even care to fix it. But I think they are doing a fundraising to rebuild the whole school to a much more modern school. It will still be no match for my present school, Avonside. The land is so small and avonside might be three times bigger than IJC. Toilets are like 'kampung' (village) toilet. At least toilet in avonside are cleaner but still not up to my standard. Let's see..over here, we can sit on the grass or walk on the grass. IJC, if with stand or touch the grass the prefects will go all hysteria and start screaming 'GET OFF THE GRASS!' and always the same threat came out 'Demerit! DEMERIT!'. Jeez, so annoying, demerit yourself, threatening students aint good, why dont the student say ' I SUE! I SUE!' probably that would shut them up. Boy that would be one hell of a show to watch, students and prefects threatening each other. But again it is Malaysia, students have not much rights. We sometimes get a kind of teacher that always boast about themselves,'Do you know last time I...bla bla bla...'. I bet we could even repeat the whole thing word by word. I hated the prefects so much on the first day of school. They took away my correction pen away, we dont even know the rules yet. How do you expect us to play by the rules if you dont teach us the rules? Teachers even got mad on how we sing out national anthem just because we twitch a bit because of mosquito.
The fun part about IJC is my friends. How we work together to defeat our teachers behind their backs. We work together by copying! How do we do that? Easy once our teacher turn their backs against us we snatch our friends paper and copy, then passing the sheets on to others. Yes, it's a sin, I dont copy anymore. Oh and teachers expect us to memorise a whole paragraph in 5 minutes, that's impossible for me of course. So what we do, we pretend to look a far but one person will hold the paragraph up high for us to read it. The part I hate the most, gymnastrada, a dance that the whole school have to do. We compete against every classes and to gain a price. Of course we beg our teacher to practice just to skip class and on the field we reluctantly do our dance. We force ourselves to sway to the beat of the music causing us to look like one freak show. The only person interested about this whole point is of course our leader who teaches us dancing. They would scream and shout to the extend but would just get disappointment out of it.
But those smarter class are of course really competitive about these stuff. They are all about the prize. Eyes on the prize but all you get it 50 dollars i guess. For the whole class to shared 50? What can you get, 50 divide by 40, so you might only get one dollar twenty five cents.
Even high schools does this 'Stand up, Good morning teacher.' But in malay version, depends. Yes, all I got to say about this school is negative stuff. But I do have some funny things, watching the teacher does disgusting stuff is real funny. They dig their nose right in front of the whole class. They dont even notice the whole class was giggling and making fun of them. Male teachers, they get bullied by the students. I still remembering Ding, chasing our maths teacher around. I would say that was really hilarious. IJC is all about the A's, yeah, student who goes to IJC are pretty bright. Except for me...Well, I can't provide the Positive Announcements(A+), but I can provide the Negative Complains(C-). How does that sound?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My naughty and lovely dog. She is a bit rough sometimes and not to mention stubborn. It takes hours to get her to the front of the porch just to bathe her. When she sees the shampoo she hides behind the tree, peeping from behind the tree checking whether I have given up and went inside with the bottle of shampoo. She is the one that comfort me when someone made me upset. I still remember she killed a kitten, tearing the kitten into pieces, also killed a rat and a lizard. Oh and she saved a birds life by chasing the cats away from an injured bird. I love better than my cousin's dog.
Pampered dog I would say. He like to look glare at people when they want to touch him. He is short and small and adorable (by looks only not attitude). When he gets mad he always say 'ngau ngau'. First time I hear a dog using that kind of sound, usually dogs go 'grr...' but he is different. He follows my aunt every way and is a little coward. He got attacked by a cat before and he cried real loud like a little baby although he is 7 years old. But I dont blame him since he is smaller than a cat. I love carrying him around which he hates it, that's why he is always avoiding me unless I got some food to give him.
Well, I would say I still love my dog though. That little Casper is such a spoil brat that he wouldnt mix with any other dog. Well, I still like him but I prefer Cherry better although I m living with Casper right now. And I think I am the only one in the family that like her the most. My is afraid of Cherry and the other one prefer Casper.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I finish my final model! Yes! moving on to orthographic...To all readers! I M NOT GAY! This time I really want to do something towards alice and it will get real nasty. Well, probably not that nasty. Hmm...the newly wed couple doesnt seems to be getting on well. In gym Zahara seems to be with Alice (another person) all the time, I would say they look like two love birds. Chasing each other around most of the time.
I got too upset yesterday so I didnt blog. First got mad at one girl (wouldnt say she is much of my friend since I hardly talk to her). It is rude to call a person rude? I might have got too sensitive but since my dad said yes, it is rude to call a person rude so I havent overreacted. At first it started like Stacey asking me...
'When is science test?' so I said 'What do you think?' and she said 'tomorrow.' 'If you know, why do you ask?' I said jokingly and I was smiling!(dont judge by this smiling and exclamation mark) I wasnt talking to her and she said 'How rude! Stacey ask so nicely and she answer like that.' She was really serious about saying that. She used to be quiet, and I guess she get the guts when she yell at a annoying girl (dont know that girl just heard that she is annoying) calling her a 'bitch'. And they got into a big fight. So? What do you guys think? I overreacted or did I not?
Yes, I plan to sit with Alice, Abby and G if not stupid remarks will just keep popping out of my mind if I sit with her again. But Alice doesnt want me to sit with them she said I miss my chance. What the...she wasnt even there at interval or else I would rush over there. Nah not rush, rush sounds like I m fighting with someone just to sit with them which is not right. I got permission to watch their play on Thursday. So I m not all talks now huh, alice?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vodafone or Telecom??? I want to use Telecom because the cellphone looks better than the one i m using now. Vodafone, my family are using it. If I change it, it sill be more expensive when I text them. Well, who cares about that.
Abby kept asking me to pray that she will have a boyfriend. Crazy girl, I think the easiest way for you to get a boyfriend is to date a single old man. They are definitely willing to accept you because you are young and they will think you are pretty. Their will be given to you too, so you can be rich since their day are numbered. Well, I rather you married the old man because you love him than married him because he has lots of money. Alice is one of Abby and G's bodyguard since everytime I did something by accident, Alice will come running with her evil attitude and chase me until she gets me. I also had the urged of sitting with them after today's interval. I mean I had the urged to sit with them forever. I mean not forever, oh know..not good at explaining things.
Today's assembly was the best of all since the thai dance is so funny. And to all people who keep asking why I m not up on stage dancing, I M NOT FROM THAILAND! I m from Malaysia please get things right. Some people just dont get my name right too, even my teachers. Everyday I will hear the same name 'Olivia'... My name is simple just Livia without the 'O'. What is so complicated about my name? Unique I know...But it is not complicated.
I realised that I m a better speller than some mate of mine. So proud, hehe... Well I shouldn't boast so let it end here. Got to rush on my graphics. I left just one more week which is next week. I will finish my final on friday I hope and finish my pictorial on monday and finish everything by wednesday. Then there will be no more graphics! YAY!! Freedom! ....but exam is coming up.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Graphics was the first period. I m really stuck at final. I find that it is really boring cutting all the cardboard just to make a workstation. Alice is always the hardworking one in graphics just like Elena in maths class. Whereas Andrea is just like Abby, they are the girls that will act as a hardworking person ending up talking in class.
Not all of my friends are in it but part of it are. Who snap the picture? Oh yeah Pavitra the geek. Never wanting to get in the picture.
I sat with G today during english class. She hate it when teacher correct her creative writing essay. I watch her when she was called up and I saw that her eyes were like 'I feel like punching her right now'. I might be wrong though.
I have been watching thai ad it is really funny. Some I mean, not all.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Alice and a girl (will name her G) is pretty naughty. Alice said that I shit in my pants so I grab the back of her neck and her face gone all red, choking her (well not really choking) I warn her to watch her mouth. G and her friend was running around wanting to interview people about something. But got rejected like heaps of time so they went around the school.
Well we lost in our volleyball game. Someone was pretty mad at us, our coach of course. We didnt qualify to the final so...I m going to be a referee tomorrow again. Nibe vs Manjels tomorrow. Boring...anyway, I think Manjels would win. They are like superb never lost any game. The next subject coming up is Hauora, I hope it wouldnt be boring. Anyway, Pe is a better subject than the other subject like maybe, maths or CIM. Computer is the worst subject ever, not worst though it is boring. Really boring, what we do in class was learning about words and excel. Boy it is really boring. I have learn about words when I was in primary school. Pay Fong 2, my worst nightmare school. Teacher always use the ruler or a cane to whack us. I got whack most of the time because I am not really good at chinese.
Oh yeah I think my 2nd brother is a fan of my blog. Everyday he reads it, he reads it like part of hsi life is to read my blog. Anyway...I got nothing more.

My weird dream..

I will blog about my dream today since my dream is much more interesting than my day. Interesting to me in a weird way...
I skip my physics exam and went somewhere. Then I made friends with a girl and we became pretty close. She said she wanted me to be part of the group which than she blurted out all her secret without even hearing what i have to say. She said she got cancer and kept blaming herself. She blame herself that she is going to die because she didnt suspect anything when she was young. Which didnt really make much sense to me. When the exam finish all my malaysian friends came out and they are in avonside girls high which doesnt seems right. I regretted not sitting for my physics exam. Then my friend brought me to a restaurant which then i met my three rascal friend. Well they wasnt really rascal they became some kind of gangster. Terri was a leader of the gangster she got her arms folded and she and her group scolded me for no reason. Wait, I think I remember she scolded me because i hang out too much with the weird girl. After that I was introduced to all her friends which are all nerds... I felt that I needed to say sorry to my friends and i dont know why. Because it doesnt seems to be my fault but I couldnt find them even though the restaurnat was empty.
And suddenly the scene changes and I became some game character which is almost the same as Grand Theft Auto. Whatever I did the cops seems to be chasing after me. And then I woke up. That's all I guess. I m going to watch a dog show. It sounds so interesting.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

English paper...such a bother. What the heck am I suppose to write for the verbal features and the visual. I only knew some verbal feature which is, simile, alliteration, rhetorical question, imperative, colloquial language and personification. Visual...I dont know. Anyway I think the question was not too bad. I could answer all of it but most of it are made up. Well Mrs Ambrose say write something smart and you might get it right. I did but I dont think it is a sensible answer. Lol!
Computer class was dead boring, I felt like sleeping in there. Computers were down so I can't even play some games. All my friends were not in that class so I doodled on my homework diary. Drawing fruits and foods that are can be found in malaysia. And also some anime, but realise it was ugly so i drew boxes. Anyway, lunch time was quite weird..Olivia teaches us to sing a song...' I'm a blue chameleon, hello (times four) after that repeatation again..then 'blue blue blue, yellow!' And then continue with the song just changing colours. It is stuck in my head...
Alice and Abby the two little rascal. Thanks goodness alice is a girl...I wonder how would her attitude be like if she was a boy. She and her smelly, dirty socks. She lifted her smelly socks high just for me to smell. And she even put her leg up high just to measure her feet (for graphics). Abby told her father all about me.. not that I m disturb about it but what she told her father was all my bad point saying 'Livia is not like the other asian, she dont have any asian friends and she is mean.' She is the one that is mean saying that i m mean. I shall get my revenge one day hehe... Oh yeah and I do have asian friends.
During maths class was bad. I asked Mrs Smith for help and she read to me the question. And she said ' Where are you up to?' I told her nothing and she said well maths is something you have to think and find out the answer. Well, I dont know how to do it, I m stuck and I dont know where to start. That is why I asked you. And poor Isha asked teacher for help and all she get was 'you dont have to worry about that just work on the easy one'. Lol! Isha was pretty mad at her...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today went really slow. Can't stop looking at the time, but all I got was disappointment when I look at it. Every time after looking at it 1 or 2 minutes just past...especially slow. Isha was really funny but she seems to be a geography person (uhh..probably not geography dont know what to name her). She told me all the wonders of india and how safe it would be when we walk alone even though it was at night. She told me about the awesome shopping complex and how in cinemas people will serve you. Woohoo! I want to go to india and try out the cinema. She even know about singapore and other country stuff. It was really awesome how she can notice things just in one glance whereas I need probably ten times. Haha. I told her about the indian's movie like how a man fell in love with the woman at first sight, there will suddenly be a tree where two of them start chasing each other and how they sing together. It was really funny, watch it in malaysia although I didnt really get it. Only get the loving part cause it will always having singing and stuff like that. Well Isha told me it is a real old movie so the new one must be pretty good.
Health class watch the some depressing documentary show and sperm represented in human form. Well, Alice asked me 'I read your is true?' I dont get what she was saying but I just say yes. This is because whatever I type in my blog is true, well most of it. Oh yeah, I remember Tahmeen asking me whether I was like chelsy mum. I dont get the point though, so I just said no and they started doing all kind of funny noises. And Tahmeen kept laughing at Stacey and I laughed at Tahmeen. Chelsy laughing at Stacey too and Shareen just joined in because everyone was laughing. I laughed at Tahmeen because when she laughs she just go round and round and round. Round as in she sway her body in a circle. Lol!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I realise something. I think I m way closer to alice, abby and terri than the people whom i sit with. I realise I feel much more comfortable to sit with alice, abby and terri. I think I might change and sit with abby and her group. They arent really scary after all... Who knows I might change my group..after I get my revenge..(evil laughter). Probably use rubberbands with paper and lastic them or steal their bags or bake a cake which will explode at their face (uhh..I think i dont know how to do that.) or buy some fake bugs and stuff it in their bags (or put real ones)..and the list continues.
The group i sit with felt a bit scary, well not during lunch time though. The seems to have their different self when they are with their friends and they change when I am alone with them. I dont get them sometimes. Yeah they sort of freak me out...
Well, enough about how I feel now it is about what I saw. Abby and Alice the little rascal friends for me. Abby the crazy girl kept touching Danielle when she was talking to Alice and Terri. It was really weird...the way she touch was like a kind of loving touches (*vomit). At least not worst than how Natalia touches herself..alright lets forget about that. Alice was really funny when I didnt want to say 'Hi' to her. Abby treat me like a small kid forcing me to say hi to everyone in her group. I think I remember all the girls name in her group..Just dont know how to spell their name. Abby asked whether I wanted to be part of their group and if I say yes, she will throw some knifes at me to become 'blood sister'. How fake...Well they kept convincing me that the knife hit their head and how they bleed. They were really bad at lying. Man, I really like them, just like how i like my friends in malaysia. Abby thinks that I m the meanest asian she ever met. I think the other asian would be mean too if they can speak as well as me. Well, come to think of it again...I think I am mean ...but I am nice too okay...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I got nothing much to type about today. Tahmeen, Chelsy and Stacey was counting about something which I dont get it. Anyway, Tahmeen was laughing at Alice because of her action. Yeah she was pretty funny when she talks, her has a lot of reaction when she talks. She wave her hands like mad.
Graphics, Abby the crazy girl kept singing 'you, me and something'. She sing imitating a man voice. She kept sitting on my kilt and tugging it. One day alice and abby will pay for hurting me during graphics.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I did my creative writing. While doing that work, I realised that I couldnt bear to see my dog die. I couldnt even bear to make her suffer. I wish I was there patting her. I love it when I express my sadness towards her, she would just sit there quietly listening to what I got to say. Licking my hand as if she is comforting me. I planned to work with dogs too. :D I think I want to work with animals. I meant like a vet or something.
Well, my team won. I would say I was the worst among the team, sending the ball flying everywhere around the room. And after yesterday badminton footwork practices, I tend to use it a lot in volleyball which is not right. Yes and congratulation to couples that are getting married tomorrow (Zahara and Ellen). They went hand in hand skipping around the gym today. It was really funny.
Another thing that is funny is when this year 9. Super annoying girl came into the graphics room and accused Alice and her friend, (maybe including me) saying that we threw water on them. The window was closed. She is a problematic child. We had the same problem before with her, she was the one that threw stuff at Stacey. Well, Alice is really such a smart mouth kid. She answered her back and stared at her through the window which makes it so funny. That kid kept storming in and out of the graphics room. Yelling some stuff at us...which I didn't really listen. I was daydreaming again. And Alice though I was afraid. Pfftt...please, I know how to answer back. Just that I don't like to make enemies. And probably an Asian girl like me should shut up because it will make some non-racist girl become racist.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Internet is really slow so can't really update much. Well, on saturday I went to watch Vince harder performance. Everyone got crazy at the end of the show. They were jumping like mad, I could feel the floor shaking. Lol. Oh I got a hair cut too. Not much difference. Just shorter.
Today is just the same like other Sunday except we had barbeque for lunch. The food was awesome. It was Uncle Raymond's birthday, all I like about it is the food and their big dog named Max. Sort of a coward, but it was tame and adorable. I didnt get to play with it much because he kept running away from me. Uncle Raymond said that he was mistreated when he was young that's why he was a coward. I practice my footwork on badminton today. I think that's all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

There is something new and interesting, teachers dunk into a small pool of water. Lol!

It looks like this but lousier. Few people who hit the target didnt make the teacher drop. But it got boring after that. Good for revenge, nah, just joking. Haha.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tamine, Chelsy and Stacey....some weird people. The group I somehow sit with has become a cellphone session group. Why text when you can talk face to face. This is how I found out they were texting each other, when Tamine put her phone down, Stacey will pick up her cellphone and laugh her head off. Hmm...they might be keeping something secretive...
Later on, Stacey said they should break the news to the group. But then no one dare to say a word so they kept ordering people to talk. Round and round it goes but no one dare to say a word...Well, after they told me I still don't get them. They started from how they accept different races into our group to how stacey and Tamine are gay. I dont get the point. Then they said about orientation. Oh well...who cares.
Thai girl got beaten up by two avonside girls?? Somehow the two racist people told the thai girl to go back to her own country. Isnt this a free-will country? How can you just chase people back to their own country? I think racist people should be kicked out of their own country so they got no where to go except for asian places. That should teach them their lesson. Well, I dont think I want to talk about this now. I need to take the in clothes. My big brother is like a control freak, he likes to control me and my brother. It is such a shame that no one listen to him, especially my second brother. Well, my second brother never listen to anyone, he is such a stubborn person.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A day to remember the past..

Badminton championship is on today. Guess what, I won! Both single and doubles. Tough oppenent I had on singles. I was versing some girl and I didnt play seriously. I thought I didnt have to smash much but she was really good so, at the end used all my smashes. Mrs Orr said I got lazy feet. Well winning the game was a good thing but receiving trophy at the end of the year is a nightmare. I dont want to go up and receive the trophy. I will freak out. The terrible thing while playing badminton was hot. Can't really concentrate when it is hot.
Lisa, always steal my stuff. Would say that she is like a 'toyol'. Just one blink and my stuff will be gone. Well, I wouldnt hate my friends. They play an important part in my life too. Without friends in school would be terrible...still remembering the first time I came to this school. Lonely and friendless.
I would like to say thanks to some of my friends. Although I dont really understand them yet. Lol, sometimes I m just afraid that they would get mad at me. Probably I care too much. Well, thanks to abby, terri and alice who made the first move to speak to me. They are actually the only one that let me be myself. Well...I think I know them quite well but Alice is a bit of a creepy one. I dont think I know much about her since in graphics class she creeps me out sometimes. Probably because her hardworking attitude. She put her mind and soul in her work. Abby is a rascal, sometimes. But quite like her rascal attitude. Terri is a...I think I will stop now. Now...thanks to the group I sit with for not excluding me (somehow the previous group doesn't seems friendly). Well I still don't really get them at times....Somehow I feel that I am sitting with the wrong group...But they still put the smiles on my face though. Oh yeah the 'geeks' in my maths class are pretty much silly too.
Now I still remember my friends in Malaysia too. Andrea the loud and noisy girl, Jia ling the musician freak, Janine...somehow like a 'mum' teaches us to do this and that. Darshna, the smart one. My most honourable victims which I also tease - Keemi and Keemei, Farah A. and some other people...can't remember all. Shu ping, and some of close friends of hers could win the best gossiper awards. Elena the maths nerd somehow the attitude is quite like andrea (screamer). I can still remember them screaming real loud just because of some small stuff. Ding, Andrea and Elena will be given the best screamer awards. Li Hui the anime freak sometimes persuade me to cosplay with her. Farah Diyanah the most hardworking person in our group. Sigh all of them are smart people except for brain is the size of a peanut....just like what the genius said..There are still more of them, but can't really mention all cause my brain isn't functioning well.
Oh yes and my lovely friends in church..mostly girls of course because dont really talk to the boys much. They are funny and crazy. Yeah...
I think I will stop now, my back hurts...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Today was really a funny day. Man! Olivia really stood up against those devils (year 9). Well it started when a girl (really annoying girl) kept throwing foods and rubbish at Stacey. Stacey got pretty much uncomfortable and ran to sit beside chelsy. Olivia usually get mad at those who litter all over the place. Well, can't blame her, I hate litter assembly. Well that girl kept littering so Olivia just walked over to their sit and told them to pick their stuff up. But they just kept laughing so did Stacey. Well I was chatting with Fleur and Natalia at that moment. Fleur was pretty pissed at what they did so she went over picked their rubbish up and then chuck it on their table. Lol! Everyone sort of clapped for them. Well good job to Fleur and Olivia. That was a pretty brave act.
English marks was really terrible. I only got an achieved for my novel. Others was such a disappointment. Well my teacher said it was normal and I dont think so... I also when to ask Mrs Ambrose whether I should take 212 and she said I should take 222. Sigh...No easy english for me then.... Abby is such a digusting person. She stuff something ** *** ****. ( Not going to say it. Too disgusting) She told me she is a thoughtful soul. She said that she is really deep, like kept telling me that what if we are small and tiny like an ant and some monster just step on out planet and we all die. I dont think that is deep, sounds a bit silly. Lol!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Some day...

I got back biology today. Got a merit only. Will study harder to get to Excellent at the end of the year. I also got back my maths. Algebra I got Merit, numbers-achieved, statistic-achieved. Would had got merit, it was just so close, I just screwed up in a question but the answer was really close.
I had another problem now, is physics better or web designing? People says taking 3 science will be really tough and I wouldnt want to stress out next year. I would want to get my credits easily. Course selection is pretty tough, I think I am going to do some research on web deisgning and physics. I would love to try business management since I heard that you can sell stuff and make own business. I bet that will be a good experience for me.
Today I sat with Abby and her group. Only six of them were together so wasnt really scary though. It seems that it is pretty fun to be in their group as they do some stupid stuff. Abby wanted to try to throw a knife at me with my eyes close. She sort of lied to me about how she had done is to her whole group. I would not have found out if they wouldnt had said that she threw a knife and it got stuck in someone's eye. Well, abby and alice joke about me with some nonsense talk of theirs. At least there is still some kind soul who would stick up for me. I even got trick by alice. She said something about joining a club called pen 15. She said that terri is number 13 and she is number 14 and I could be number 15. I should stick to my instinct. I felt that it is such a weird club to be called pen. But with my kindness (cough..) I let her write on my hand. Well she wrote pen15 of course and I guess you guys know what it is.